The wedding

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Callen's pov:
Today is the big day! I can't believe it, just 1 more hour and i'm going to be a married man! Hopefully Liz won't suddenly change her mind, you could never know for sure. Looking up when I hear a knock on the door. To my surprise it's Gibbs and not Sam as I thought. He smiled at me with slightly tear wet eyes. „Liz send me, she wants to make sure you don't bolt or something like that. Hopefully you know that if you only think about it, you won't survive the next seconds." he says sternly. Shaking my head, yep that is my father in law. „I just hope she doesn't run away or decide i'm not good enough for her. It would be true, but still I hope she realizes that not before she says yes!!" I tell him nervously. He pulls me into his arms and hugs me tightly. „Relax son! She won't run off, if she would of wanted to do that she would have years ago!" he says softly to try and calm me down. „You know, I couldn't have picked a better man for her! And i'm proud that you are now officially becoming my son!" he says with a proud smile. Feeling my heart skip a beat at that, no one ever really told me that they are proud of me, yes for something I did but never for being me. No one ever told me that they were proud of the person I became, no one but Gibbs. Feeling the tears welling up I try to wipe them away before they fall. He simply pulls me back into a hug. „It's alright son. From now on, you will always have someone who is proud of, even thought I always was proud of you!" he whispers into my ear. That does it for me, slowly the tears slide down my cheeks while he just holds me tightly. After a minute longer than I like to admit I pull myself together. „Thanks a lot dad, it really means a lot to me." I tell him softly. When there was another knock, Gibbs went to open it after he send me to the bathroom to freshen up. Looking into the mirror I frown at my red and swollen eyes, turning up the tabs. I let the cool water run over my eyes, in the hope that the swelling will lessen. After a few minutes I look up again, I sigh at the fact that the swelling is gone completely. I wouldn't of liked it, if I would of looked like a complete mess at the wedding pictures. My wedding pictures, a big smile forms again on my face. Not long and i'm a married man, a man married to the love of his life. I always hoped for this moment to happen, but in all honesty, I didn't think that it would ever happen. When I met Liz, I just knew that she is the one for me and luckily, she thought so of me as well. Leaving the bathroom after another look into the mirror. Sam already waits infront of it. He pulls me into a quick hug a big smile on his face. „You ready to get married?" he asks. „As ready as i ever will get!" I answer him a bit nervous. „Just make sure that if she runs of to follow, ok?" I ask him a bit insecure she might really realize that she could do better. He laughs loudly at my serious question! I mean come on!! „She called me a minute ago, telling me to make sure you were waiting for her on the end of the aisle!!! She even told me to use my cuffs if I have to!" he tells me with a huge smirk on his face. I just huff and roll my eyes, at least she wants to make sure i'm there i guess. „Dad? You still here?" I shout in question. „Yeah! Liz just text me to not leave your side. Just to make sure!" he answers walking out of the kitchen. „We need to head out or we might be late." he adds after a quick look at a clock. Sam hurries out of the bathroom and we are on our way to the beach. „You have the rings Sam, right?" i ask already getting nervous again! „Of course G, don't worry, everything is going to be perfect! Everyone has put in their best effort, Abby made sure they did! She even threatened them!" sam answers with a laugh at the end. I wouldn't laugh at that, Abby can get really mean when she wants to! When we arrive, everyone except Liz and Abby are already there. Smiling at all the guest and talked with them for a little before taking my spot on the end of the aisle. Please, please come and don't run! When the wedding march starts I immediately look back to see Liz with Gibbs starting to walk down the aisle. The huge smile on her face puts me at ease and everything around me disappears. When Gibbs puts her hand in mine, it's like the time stands still. Right now everything is perfect and I couldn't get any happier! The ceremony was like a blur and before I know it we both had said our I do's. When the priest tells me that I now can kiss the bride I pull her close and kiss her softly. My wife, my love my life! The rest of the day was awesome, there isn't any other word to describe it! We had a really fun rest of the day and night with our family!

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