The end

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Liz's pov:
Being on maternity leave is kind of boring. I'm not used to not doing anything. Yes, I mean I started already on a new book but that is nearly finished.... most of the time I think back to Cal's And my wedding. It truly was the best day of my life. Everything felt so right, just like in a dream! I still can't believe I told Sam and dad that they have to make sure Cal would stand at the end of the aisle! I asked them to handcuff him if they have to!!! But when I arrived at the beach and saw him standing there, smiling lovingly at me, my tension just vanished. Walking to him was as if I was walking on a cloud. Everything was as if in slow motion and everyone vanished, just so as if Cal and I were the only ones there. A sudden pain in my stomach throws me out of my day dream. Damn that hurts, it took me a few minutes to get my breathing under control again. „Dad!?" I shout out slightly panicked. Feeling the wet patch under me shocks me as I realize that my water just broke!!!! „DAD!!!!" I shout again since he hadn't reacted the first time. He came running into the room gun out and on the look out for the threat. „What happened?" he asked alarmed. „Dad, put the gun away. You need to get me to the hospital, my water just broke!" I tell him, trying to stay as calm as possible. His face is a mix of happy and frightened. He makes his way over to me and picks me up bridal style, gently he lowers me into the car before going back in the house to get my hospitalbag . Waiting for him to return, the pain starts again. I bend over as the pain increases more and more. Fuck, I thought getting shot hurt but that is 100 times more painful!! Dad gets back into the car, he immediately drives off to the hospital. We arrived only 10 minutes later since dad drove like a maniac. Honestly I didn't complain this time, since I was more than happy to get to the hospital sooner than later. I immediately get put on a stretcher and wheeled in with dad right by my side. When they tried to send him out, he showed them his patch and told them they should just do their damn job and let him do his. They take an ultrasound and worried about the Babies well-being since one of them isn't in the right position. When another contraction hit me the decide it would be best to make a c-section. Within a minute I was in a operating room surrounded by surgeons and nurses. I was getting worried that something might not be right with my two babies. Just when I feel the first tears fall from my eyes a nurse takes my hand, smiling reassuring at me before I feel myself trift of to sleep.

Callen's pov:
We were just heading back to the office when I get a call from Gibbs, or dad as he told me to call him. „Dad. How are you guys doing?" I ask him happily. „You need to come to the hospital immediately Callen! Liz just got wheeled into the op to get a c-section!!" he tells me in a panic and out of breath. „Sam, the hospital now!!!" I nearly shout at him. He without asking any questions turns the car and rushes to the hospital. „Are they going to be alright dad?" I ask him fearfully. „I'm sure they will be fine son. Just come here as soon as possible. I got to go now." he says. But I don't know if he wanted to reassure me or himself with what he said. Bouncing my leg hastily, not able to stop. I just hope that all three of them are going to be fine! They just have to be alright, I don't know what I would do if one of them get hurt. Deep down I know that i'm overreacting but I can't help myself. Finally we pull up at the hospital and I instantly run in. Not seeing dad anywhere i went to ask at the nurse desk. After waiting for nearly 5!!!! minutes for the nurse to get of the phone, I nearly explode when she instead of helping me turns to her handy!!! Feeling Sam putting a hand on my shoulder soothes me a bit, well at least so much that I don't jump over to strangle her. Since she keeps ignoring us Sam puts out his patch and throws it at her. Startled she finally looks at us with wide eyes. „since you finally acknowledge us! Where do we find Elisabeth Callen-Gibbs!?" he asks her angrily. She went to the computer to start to work for I guess the first time today... I hate when people don't Do there fucking work, it really annoys me!! „Mrs Callen-Gibbs just got out of the op. She is now being brought to her room." she answers, trying to sound sexy when she is just annoying. „And where is her room!?" I seethed our. That women really is pushing my buttons right now. „Room number 404, should I show you the way." She again tries to be flirty. Not caring to answer I just walk straight to the stairs, no time to wait for the elevator. I arrive only 3 minutes later infront of room number 404, taking a deep breath before I step in. Just as I open the door I am greeted by the best few there is. Liz sitting on the bed with her arms full of our two bundles of joy. Slowly I walk over to them, I lovingly kiss her lips before I caress both of my babies head carefully. „How are you three?" i ask her in a whisper, not taking my eyes of our babies. „We are good. Exhausted, but really really happy!!! You want to hold them?" she answers with a beaming smile. I feel my eyes burning but ignore it and instead took both my kids in my arms. My heart picks up the speed at how right it feels to hold them close to me. „Did you guys decide on any names?" dad asks us after we stay silent for a few minutes. Looking at Liz to tell him, since she was the one to bring them into the world. She still hadn't told anyone the gender just like me. „How would you feel if we would name one of them Kelly? We don't want to intrude or take the name away from your daughter. We just thought that way we could honor her?" she asks him quietly, not sure how he would react to that. Seeing him tear up a bit, I know he is really touched by our suggestion. He stands up from the chair and hugs Liz tightly. „That is a really nice idea of you. I'm sure she is honored that you would pick her name!!" he tells us with tears still rolling down his face. „Well granddaddy, you want to hold little Kelly Abby Callen-Gibbs?" I ask him even though the answer was clear. He softly takes the small bundle with the pink hat into his arms and cuddles her closely. „And what is the name of the little fella?" he asks softly while caressing the face of the boy. „Well, we liked the idea of Samuel Leroy Jethro  Callen-Gibbs." I tell him smiling at him as he chocked a little on a sob. „You really would name him after me?" he asks surprised but touched. „After all you are our dad and we love you. So why wouldn't we? We decided to put Samuel as his first name we hope that's ok?" Liz tells and asks him softly. He again pulls her into a hug but mindful of the little baby in his arm, then he turns to me and also pulls me into a hug. „May i hold little Samuel also?" he asks with a shy smile. I slowly hand him his second grandchild and smile when he starts to cry softly while looking lovingly at them. That is what family is about. A soft knock on the door let's us look up. Sam puts his head in to ask if he was allowed to come in also. We nod and he immediately goes in and hugs Liz. He congratulated us both and after he hugs me also went to look at the twins who are still safely held by their granddaddy. His soft smile is the same smile that he had when his two kids where born. „What name did you get them?" he asks us when dad sat back down on the chair. „Kelly Abby Callen-Gibbs and Samuel Leroy Jethro Callen-Gibbs." I tell him. When he heard the name Samuel he looks shocked at us. „Really?" he asks softly not really believing we named him after him as well as dad. „You are going to be his godfather so we thought it would fit." I tell him as if it wasn't a big deal. He comes over and hugs me tightly . I feel his body start to shake and his tears on my shoulder which is why I pull him even closer, my own eyes tear up again. He always was like a brother to me, and it means a lot that he is here with us right now. Another knock on the door again gets our attention. A nurse comes in a bit scared it seems. „Sorry to interrupt your family time, but there are some people out there who are insisting that they are family and need to see you??" she asks more than informs us. I stand up to look out who might be out there, even though I already had a pretty good idea who it would be. As expected out there stands my whole team with Hetty and Granger. Shaking my head at their full arms and wave them in. Within seconds we are swarmed and attacked with congratulations and presents for the babies. We told them the names of our new family members and they seemed to be as surprised and touched as dad and Sam were. 2 hours later after everyone had held the babies and cooing some more over the twins they went back home. Sam only went home because Michelle called and threatened him to come to get him. Telling him to let us have some space. Gibbs was still here but we are happy he is. He was smiling the whole time and even did so as he put new diapers on them. To be honest I have never seen him this happy and relaxed before. He called Abby immediately after me, so his team is already on there way to see the new family members. Abby tried to coax us to tell her their names over the phone but we wouldn't. So now we are just waiting for them to arrive. Liz went back to sleep, still pretty exhausted from giving birth to our little ones and the anesthetic they have given her. Dad was cuddling Samuel while I held Kelly closely.

A few hours later Dad's team arrives with a hyper Abby and everyone smiling happily at our babies. When we told them their names Abby starts to cry all over again at how happy and honored she is. They also hand us some presents and telling us that there was a big one waiting for us back at home. Well I think our kids are going to be spoiled rotten!! They are going to have the best childhood and lives, I swear they are! They are going to get the childhood that I never had, but that is fine. Now I have the only thing I always wanted, a family! And those two are going to grow up in a big, happy and supportive family!!!

When I look back up, i see Liz with our two babies. My whole life!!!

I guess at the end everything got absolutely perfect!!!

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