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Cal's pov:
Looking for Liz to go home I finally find her in the gym. She looks so beautiful it really should be a sin and she is just warming up right now. I know for a fact that she looks even more stunning when she is fighting. „Are you only watching or do you want to have some fun?" she says without turning around. No clue how she always knows that someone is watching her. „If you think you can handle it?" i answer her cheekily. We went over to the mats but just when we were about to start the gym door opens up and hurried footsteps came in. Both still not moving our eyes from one another. „No stomach contact everything else is allowed!" Hetty suddenly interrupts our staring match. Seeing her standing there with the whole team behind her only makes my smirk grow. „Ready whenever you are love!" I say and already fell my body be swiftly thrown to the ground with her on top of me knife close to my neck." feeling her kiss me softly on the same spot her knife was just seconds ago before standing up. „What was that?" sam says in disbelief. „She was right there and only a second later on top of him? How did you do that?" he asked her stunned, well at least he could talk the rest of them only stand there open mouthed. „Rematch?" I ask her not even thinking of answering them and nether did she. I try and find a week spot in her stand, and just when I went for her left side she side steps me, pulls her hand out right at my neck so I stumble to my knees. She quickly pulls my head back and holds her knife at the same spot as before. Again she gave me a kiss and removes herself from me. „How many do you think you can take on?" I asked her softly. She just shrugged but I knew she knows exactly how many of us she could take down. „Sam? Do you mind giving me hand?" without a word he comes over towards us. Putting her in the middle should make it a little easier for us but still we won't win. I know how good of a fighter she is. Hetty gives Liz a red marker since she asks for one and the idea behind it is pretty obvious! Nodding at Sam to get him on the same page and just like that we both went in on the same time. Suddenly she ducks down, and floors us both with a quick move, trying to sneek up behind her while she finishes Sam only ends up with me getting pushed down with again her knife on my neck. Sam looks at her with big eyes. „Ok, who are you and where did you learn all of those moves?" she just grins at him with a naughty look. „That is nothing you need to know. And I already introduced myself !" her extra sweet tone is hilarious, and even more funny is the way sam looks at her. „How about Kensi and Deeks? You think you can handle the four of us?" she smirks at me, oh this is going to be fun. The last time she had that look in her eyes she knocked down 6 armed men without even breaking a sweat, yeah my fiancée is just that awesome. Adding a few detail, well Hetty added that if a pen/knife is on your neck your out also on top of your heart. She smiles sweetly at me, before getting in her real fighting position. Hearing the indrawn breath of my team tells me, that they realize she was holding back till now. We moved in at once only for Sam and Kensi getting dragged down, both having a marker stain on their neck. Deeks kind of looks lost and when he looks back up it's to late and he also has a stain on the same spot as the other two. Guess it's only the two of us again, lifting my hands up and signing her to come closer. She just smiles and runs up to me, I think she would go head on but she didn't. No, she jumps  high, her feet slinging around my head. With a quick move she makes kind of a back flip with her feet around my head. She lets go seconds before I land on top of her and knees beside me knife in hand pointing at my neck again. Her bright smile is infectious so I smile back at her softly. „You did really good!" I tell her quietly waiting for my kiss that doesn't come, instead she stands up and offers me a hand. „Hey! Didn't you forget something?" I ask her while pointing to my neck. Shaking her head at me she comes closer and kisses me were I point with a smile on her beautiful lips. Hearing clapping from behind her we turn towards the on lookers. „That was really incredible to watch ms. Gibbs! May I know where you learn all that?" Hetty says and asks the same question Sam did earlier. „I do marshal arts since I was 3 years old, then the NAVY and after some SEAL training and on top Dad showed me some techniques. Also while overseas I trained some other military moves, you never know for what it could be useful." she explains with a shrug while the rest looks shocked at her. „You were a NAVY SEAL?!" sam asks with wide eyes? „Ever heard the name white raven?" she asks while looking him straight in the eyes. The only one who doesn't know what this means is Deeks, he is the only one who wasn't marine or Agent for quite some time. „Why didn't you ever told me?" I ask her a little hurt, I thought we would tell each other everything! She softly places her hand on me cheeks, caressing my left one softly. The tears that form in her eyes makes me pull her close. Fuck I know why and it makes me feel like an asshole for making her tear up. „Shh it's ok. I understand, it's ok." shushing her and rocking us side to side. Hearing Hetty tell everyone to give us some space, makes me smile at her in thanks before putting my full attention back to Liz! „I'm sorry Cal! Please don't be mad, please! I couldn't....I couldn't...." she was nearly hyperventilating now. How could I ask her and then like that! In front of the team and the accusation clear in my voice! Gosh I could kick myself right now. „Love? It's ok. I didn't meant it like that, I was just shocked! I know that you weren't allowed to tell anyone! I'm sorry love! Please calm down, I'm not mad, I could never be mad for something you weren't allowed to say! Shh it's ok!" it took me nearly 15 minutes to calm her down. God i'm such a fucking idiot. „You Good Love? Are we good?" she just nodded but didn't let go of my shirt. Picking her up she immediately wraps her legs and arms around me while hiding her face in my neck. Softly caressing her back I start to head out and to the car. I'm relieved that Hetty send them home so they wont see her like this. She hates being vulnerable and for good reasons. Growing up like she did and then the NAVY you get drilled to never show weakness, weakness is the thing that gets you hurt pretty easy. Setting her down in the front seat I feel my phone vibrate but ignore it. Getting in as well, I drive us home and hope she would get back out of her bad headspace. I only saw her once like this and it was when she came back from her last tour. Pulling up at home I went to her door and pick her right back up. „Should I call dad?" I ask her when I sit down on the couch with her in my lap. „No, i'm good. As long as we are good?" she ask her eyes bloodshot from crying so much. „We are perfect love! I just wish I never would of said anything. I hate seeing you like that, especially when it's my fault." cuddling her close to my chest and whispering into her ear about how much I love her and how much she means to me. „Do you want to get some pizza?" she asks after about 10 more minutes. Smiling at her I tell her to choose which one I want. It took them 30 minutes to deliver the two pizzas but it definitely was worth it. Seeing her slowly coming out of her shell and back to me was worth everything.

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