Family dinner

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Callen's pov:
Smiling at the hateful look in Liz eyes. Yeah, I definitely was intelligent enough to not tell her myself that she has to go in a wheelchair! The terrified nurse looks shell shocked! „The sooner you get in the wheelchair the sooner we can leave the hospital love!" with one final glare she gets in the wheelchair. „Don't think i'm going to forget that!" she tells me while I push us to the elevator. Well, that didn't went as well as I hoped! Trying to get back on her good side I ask if she wants to go somewhere before going home. That's why we are now at the grocery store picking up everything she needs to make her famous curry and chilli con carne. She decided to invite everyone over for dinner. Which I am not the biggest fan of but wanting to see her happy i agreed. Liz even made me call them to ask for any food allergies. What I'm sure was her way of punishing me for the wheelchair incident. Gibbs and Abby were already waiting for as at the front yard. Liz engulfs them both as quick as she could. Nearly smiling from one ear to the other. God I can't even tell anyone how much I love her! While in the hospital we started to plan our wedding. We even finished the planing already, the only thing left are her wedding dress and my suit. I can't wait to finally marry her! Abby told everyone already that she is going to be Liz's bridesmaid. She nearly even cried for an hour after Liz asked her! I mean a full hour of crying!! After her, well breakdown she booked an appointment at a wedding dress shop! But as long as Liz is happy I'm fine with everything! Bringing all the sopping bags in the kitchen Gibbs helps me put everything away. Liz gets started in the kitchen and after I try to tell her to maybe rest a bit she trough me out of it. Gibbs smirks at me. „How often did I already tell you to keep a wide path between you and her kitchen?" shaking my head I sat beside him. „When are you meeting up with Vance?" I ask him quietly. „Tomorrow, it's time we talk thinks out. He won't stop calling at least three times a day so I told him i'm going to meet up with him. I asked Hetty if she would be ok if we meet at her office, but she instead insisted on the boatshed for privacy." nodding along at what he says, I guess it really would be better at the boatshed if things go downhill. „Should I come along?" he just smiles and shakes his head. „I'm going to be fine son! Thanks though!" done talking he switches on the tv. I wonder what Sam is going to say about all the furniture. My phone rings reminding me to go and pick up the freshly made bread Liz ordered when we were shopping. Calling in the kitchen that I'm on my way to get her order at the backery. She leans out of the door to give me a kiss before going back to her beloved kitchen. Smiling at her one last time before heading out. Not long after I get back Sam and Michelle arrived and only shortly after the rest of the teams. Hetty got hear first with Owen who wouldn't stop talking about how much he missed Liz's cooking skills. I can't really be mad at that because she cooks better than any chef!! Abby and Gibbs have sat the table while I was gone so everyone takes a seat on the big table. „Since when do you own a table? Let alone furniture in general?!" sam wanted to know not long after everyone sat. „Well technically I don't own any of that." I smirk at him which earned me a head slap from Liz. „Hey! I said the truth! You furnished the house not me! Even though I have to admit it feels way more like home that way." leaning to her to lightly kiss her on the mouth only gets me another head slap that one from Gibbs. „Dad!" I say in disbelief! „Not on the table son, you know the rules!" pouting at him never work but I could still try. He just shakes his head like he always does when I try to pout my way out of anything. The rest of the table looks shocked at me, guess they never saw me act like that. „Well I hope you guys brought hunger. Dig in!" Liz says while holding out her arms to fill up everyone's plates. They complemented her for her great cooking and even asked for her recipes. She as always try's to downplay her cooking skills but still thanks them for their complements. After everything was eaten up Gibbs, Abby and I went to clear up the table so Liz could rest a bit. Within the three of us the job was quickly done. We sat talked and had a great time when Liz asked if anyone wanted some cake. „Did you by any chance baked that chocolate cake?" Granger asked with hopefull eyes which grow in excitement when Liz nods. Since everyone agrees that cake sounds good I got some plates and forks while Liz went to get her delicious cake and knive. Never have I seen Granger act so happy and excited in my life. He also seems more relaxed with Liz around. From what she told me the two of them had a really good partnership while being overseas. They always protected and looked out for one another. I'm happy for them that they finally have each other back in their life's. Liz is really good for Granger!
Handing out the plates with cake Liz made sure to give an extra big one to Granger. After the first bite everyone looked really impressed at Liz. No one can believe how good her cake was. „If you screw that up, I swear i'm gonna murder you!" sam threatens me with his last bite of cake making everyone laugh. „And if you want to have some days off of him, there is always a guest room at our place!" he adds quickly. Michelle shaking her head at his husband with a smile on her face.
After hours of talking and eating everyone heads back home and Tim, Ellie and Tony back to their hotel. Abby already cleared up the kitchen so we all head to our beds. Happy but totally exhausted I fall face first on the bed after brushing my teeth. Not long after Liz gets in bed also and instantly cuddles close to me. With one last kiss and a good night I fall asleep.

Gibbs pov:
I'm on my way to the boatshed for my talk with Leon. Not knowing what is going to happen makes me a bit uneasy. Walking in the empty boatshed seeing as Leon isn't here yet. Taking a seat at the small table in the middle and wait for his arrival. After 5 minutes of waiting the door finally opens and in comes Leon. „Sorry I'm lat Gibbs. Got a phone call from my daughter." nodding my head at him, he takes a seat opposite of me. „I also wanted to apologize about how I acted in the hospital. You need to believe me that I never meant what I said. I was just shocked and didn't know how to act or what to say. The minute I said what I did, I felt horrible! I should of never ever said anything. We both know that I wouldn't of acted any differently! So i'm asking you to come back to NCIS and not only you but everyone!" he says honesty. Still I don't know if I'd would be a good idea to go back. I might be able to forgive but I definitely won't forget!! „I accept your apology Leon! I do, but I have to think about if I can go back to work as if nothing had happened. The only thing I can tell you right now, is that if I have to choose between my family and work, I will always choose my family. And if that is something you don't except, there is no point of thinking about going back to work." he seems to be relieved since I didn't just decline his offer and instead am willing to think about it again. „Family comes first! There won't be any problems with that!" He promises. Looking at the clock I tell him I had to go. Shaking his hand before I head out of the boatshed and back to G's and Liz house. Getting back I see the cars from the team members parked in front of the house. I slowly made my way to the frontdoor, smiling at the fact that this is exactly what I thought of.

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