5: Bang Bang | Avery

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Current Time: Wednesday, 07:00 EST
Current Location: San Francisco, California, USA - 37.7749*N, 122.4194*W

“Run! It’s ARMOR!”
“Oh Lord, please save us from our sins.”
“My God! ARMOR is here to erase our town!”

I opened my eyes. The first thing I perceived are masses of people running on the streets, screaming and pushing each other. Cars swiftly raced with each other on the lane, paying no attention to the infrastructures they bumped into. Loud horns honked, footsteps accelerated; the streets were filled with people spitting out ARMORs name.

I got up and walked on the street. “Hey? What’s going on?” I asked and was answered by gunshots from a distance. I turned around and saw people stumbling on the ground as they bled.

What the hell. I finally understood the situation at the moment. It is a time of chaos. The beginning of DEATH.

“Get out of my way!” An old woman yelled as she pushed me aside. I was pissed for a second but it subdued rightaway when I saw a young boy with curly hair sitting on the ground, his knees curled up to his chest. He was crying as he shouted, “Mama!”


I rolled over to avoid the bullets. I stood up and ran to get the boy. “Everything is fine, kid. I’m here to protect you, okay?” I held the young boy's hand and pulled him to the gate of a church.

“Mama!” The boy cried once more. I shushed him. “We’ll find her later. Just keep quiet,” I said and wrapped my arms around him.

A loud bang sounded once more and smoke filled the air. Cries of people echoed over the place and blood spattered on the streets. San Francisco is slowly destroyed by bombs and it’s not safe to hide outside the church anymore.

I pulled the little boy and ran. We stepped on multiple dead bodies lying on the ground. "Help me!" A man who had a severed leg screamed but I ignored him. He can't be helped. The young boy's safety is the only thing I had in mind right now.

As we were about to cross the street, a Range Rover veered in our direction. “Ugh!” I grunted. I almost led the young boy to his deathbed. My head ached as my heart pounded rapidly. I don't know what to do anymore.

“The car,” the boy said as he tugged on my pants. I looked at the car that got stuck in the gate. It was the same car that almost hit us. I pored over and noticed a small hole in the windshield of the driver’s side. The driver was shot. Dragging the boy along with me, I ran to the car and opened the door on the driver’s seat. I felt the driver’s pulse and remorse lingered on my skin as I confirmed him to be dead.

“Is he dead?” The little boy asked. I slowly nodded. I carried the man’s body outside the car and laid him on the ground. I let the little boy occupy the passenger seat as I sat infront of the steering wheel and turned the engine on.


“Get down!” I told the boy as I ran the car as fast as I could. We have to get out of this place as soon as possible or we’ll never make it out alive.


Driving the car in the streets of nowhere seemed like forever.

With my hands on the steering wheel, I can’t stop thinking about the lives that were lost in a terrorist bombing for no reasonable reason.

ARMOR, what is your motive?

I sighed. I always wished San Francisco would collapse. I hated the high school Principal. Resented the mean girls for spreading fake rumors about me. Loathed the students for boring holes into my back as I entered the school premises. I never thought ARMOR would hear my call.

I looked at the little boy who slept soundly beside me. He looked physically and emotionally exhausted. His eyes were tightly shut and he kinda snored but his grip on something was firm. I took a closer look at the thing he held close to his chest. It was a silver, rectangular watch. He probably removed it from his wrist for a reason only him knows.

Poor boy, it might be something that kept him close to his family. I felt bad for him. We had a similar destiny – to lose our family at a young age.

I reverted to the current matter at hand as I turned my gaze on the road. Where do we go now? I saw the end of San Francisco, on the other side was an entry to the woods.

“Uhrm,” I heard someone clear their throat. I looked again at the young boy but he was still sleeping. Nervous, I slowly turned my head around and gasped to see someone sitting on the backseat, giving me a death glare.

Guys, what do you think would happen next? Who is that mysterious person in the back seat?

Thank you for the reads, votes and comments my pixies! I love you :)

Anyways, I can't stop fangirling over Chris Hemsworth. Who else here is a fangirl of that hunk? Haha


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