18: Same Ideals | George

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Current time: Friday, 16:30 EST
Current location: -

The year 1980 got nothing pleasant to be remembered for but occasionally slips in Hugo's mind. It is the time of war between USA and Russia. Russians infiltrated the US Army and acquired sensitive information about the nuclear weapons USA have. They successfully stole sensitive military technology which angered USA.

Bombs landed everywhere, destroying cities and killing a number of innocent people. Bullets were exchanged; soldiers are seen fighting on the streets as the land turned bloody red. When the war ended, the current US President, Ford Andrews who is known to be a tyrant, implemented a law that prohibited Russians to live in USA. The worst: He declared a law stating that every Russian who lived in USA will be annihilated.

Hugo's mother was American and his father was pure Russian. They lived in USA since his younger brother's birth which is 5 years now. The US Army found them and the merciless killing commenced. They didn't consider the fact that only the father is pure Russian and the rest were half-Americans for the President's order must be followed.
Nevertheless, Hugo, the genius son of the Pavlova household managed to run. He was playing in the backyard at that time and the army didn't find him. Hugo felt so hurt and scared at the same time. At age 10, he lost all of his family including his elder sister and little brother.

Hugo had gone hiding in the woods eating birds and drinking water from a small river. One day, he found a cabin where an old man was chopping woods with his son outside. The old man invited him in but Hugo refused. Hugo walked away but he suddenly collapsed on the ground. He woke up later inside a room lit by a gas lamp.

"You seem hungry and exhausted that you passed out," an old woman said. She had been waiting for him to wake up. "Come on young one, have dinner with us." She stood up from the chair she had sat and walked out of the room. Hugo stood up as well and followed the old woman to the dining room. It was a Latin American household - two good, old married couple lived in peace with their 3 children, all of which were dark and skinny. They lived simply and showed no signs of civilization.

"What's your name, boy?" the old woman asked.

"George. George Harris," he lied, saying the American name he read in a book. Since that night, the uncivilized people of the woods added him into the family. They fed him, and gave him clothes and a pillow to sleep on. He didn't tell them he was half Russian and kept silent most of the time to avoid spilling secrets. On that day, he swore to act as a pure-blooded American and keep his real identity to survive.

The eldest son, Sebastian is older than him by two years. Sebastian taught him how to hunt for boars, shoot birds using a man-made rifle, and boxing. Hugo was very grateful he had found a friend at a time when he felt like life is slipping from his hands.

Years passed, George Harris slowly turned into a man who had his own ideals in life but the pain of losing his biological family never departed. He was 13, tall and thin. One day, he thanked the Latin American family for taking him in and raised him as their own. It's now time to say goodbye. He's now leaving to face the world and find his own destiny.

"Ut benedicat tibi Dominus in vita," the old man said in Latin which means, "May the Lord bless you in life." George smiled at him and went off.

George worked in factories and went to school at the same time. He joined the US military years later and learned how to defend himself. Soon enough, when he became strong, he will destroy America, that's what he aimed right from the start.

One day, he met a soldier named Jacob Collins. They were in the same troop. One night, Jacob called him to eat the wild rabbits he hunted in the forest. George made fire as Jacob prepared the meat.

"George, right?" Jacob asked. George nodded.

"Why did you join the army?"

George took a deep breath. Why did he join the army in the first place? A soldier must protect his country and yet he aimed the opposite. He can't tell Jacob his goal for he might report it to the commander and they might find out his real identity.

"To kill," George answered instead, making it sound neutral as possible.

"To kill what?"

George threw a twig into the fire. The flames caught it in a swift motion and burned rightaway. "Bad people."

"C'mon, amigo. This world - it's the worst place to live in. For evil resides in the hearts of men. And living is much worse than dying," was Jacob's fervent philosophy.

George sensed truth in what he said, and pain. As they ate the rabbit's meat, Jacob opened up his life story that he had lived in peace with his whole family in Louisiana. However, he left home to chase his dreams of being a fighter for his country.

For the first time in a long time, George found comfort in Jacob's words, for he shared the same ideals and dreams with him. The night ended in silence, without George saying anything about his share of a gruesome past.

Another war has taken place in USA which is instigated by China. It was George and Jacob's first real battle and they were so scared. USA won the war but nearly half of the country has been wiped out. One day, when the Americans thought it was over, the enemy came back with dynamites, blasting the military camps. The soldiers who survived the surprise attack were ordered to evacuate and George never saw Jacob again.

A couple of years later, George paved his way out of the bloody career he was in and studied Law. He studied well to make a name; he almost forgot about his painful past but one thing he didn't forget: Destroy America.

He became a lawyer at the age of 35. When he turned 45, he was elected the President of America. It was his 3rd year of term now, and he rejoiced for his plans are going well.

"Mr. President," Adam called. George, who was sitting in his office snapped out of his thoughts. He looked at his secretary who was sweating, a frantic look mirrored in his face.

"Is something wrong, Adam?"

Adam nodded as he turned the TV on.


The US Army finally identified one of the key people in ARMOR.


Name: Niro
Position: ARMOR Founder
Age: 45
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1
Distinguishing feature: Always wearing a grotesque mask

The US military confirmed him the No. 1 most dangerous man in the list of terrorists. The US Military still awaits the US president's statement on this important information they finally acquired. Apparently, the US Army and police will tighten their security across the country.

Stay tuned for more updates about ARMOR.

George stood rooted on the ground. He stared in disbelief at the face of a masked man on screen. A smirk suddenly played across his face. "So here's the leader."


Ut benedicat tibi Dominus in vita - Latin - May the Lord bless you in life

Amigo - Spanish - friend

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