26: Wars | Jacob

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Current Time: Saturday, 06:30 EST
Current Location: Secret

The tanks roared as guns spit out profanities. Knives jumped from one person to another, slashing throats, stabbing hearts. Rocks flew everywhere, breaking bones, crushing souls. It rained blood in Louisiana, and cries of people resounded like music for a death ceremony.

Why do wars exist? Can’t the world be at peace?

Jacob still remembered that day which marked a change in his life.

When Jacob was a young boy, he dreamt of becoming a soldier. He didn’t want to stand by while some people bleed in the battlefield. He didn’t want to sit on the safe side while foreigners destroy his country.

Jacob reached his 18th day of birth in the year 1993. On that day, he packed his clothes, bidding his parents a beautiful goodbye as he joined the military. The training wasn't easy as it looked, but Jacob didn't regret enlisting. Although he broke his bones, he never lost hope.

As the days went by, he met a man named George Harris who was in the same troop as him. At first glance, Jacob thought that this man is not an American. His slanted eyes and sharp gaze hinted of him being a European, but his blue eyes and blonde hair tells he’s an American. Might be a descendant of mixed races. Jacob waved the thought off and took a shower.

One night, Jacob caught wild rabbits in the forest. He asked George to come over for dinner to which the latter agreed. They made fire and cooked the rabbit’s meat.

“Why did you join the army?” Jacob asked.

“To kill,” George answered vaguely, staring at the ground.

"Huh? Who do you want to kill?"

"Bad people."

Jacob smirked. “C’mon, amigo. People are all evil. The world is the worst place to live in. And living is worse than dying.”

At that moment, George looked up on him; his eyes shone with awe. George told him that he agreed to his view and said he had the same ideals with him. Jacob began to open up the story of his life, that his father was a fisherman and his mom’s a housewife. He was the eldest of 5 children, and was the only boy. They lived in peace, seeing Louisiana as a paradise. However, he left home to chase his dreams of being a fighter for his country.

“So this is George Harris’ story,” Jacob murmured. He was reading the letter George left in the cabin.

After a few hours of attempting to fit the pieces of information he got, he finally arrived at a conclusion. George Harris, the current US President is the owner of guns. He had Russian blood running in his veins. His family is killed by the Americans and now he’s got a long-term plan for the country. Whether it expresses his love for America or a dirty scheme to avenge his family, Jacob doesn’t know.

Jacob traced the armor tattoo in his arm. “I have a reason why I still have this tattoo, George,” he said as if his old friend was there. “For love’s sake.”

Jacob stood up from his chair and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and stared at the reflection of a middle-aged, American man in the mirror. He’s getting older, yet his heart still screamed for revenge fueled by hate. He blinked once and his blue eyes blinked back at him, pulling him to the time when he was younger, when it all began.

In the year 1995, China initiated a war against America. It was Jacob and George’s first real battle and they were so scared.

“Stay alive, Collins,” George told him.

Jacob tapped his shoulder. “You too, Harris. Don’t die.”

When the war ended, Jacob learned of America’s victory. Hearing the good news, he fled from the military and went home to tell his family this: He surpassed a challenging test of strength.

Nonetheless, no family rejoiced of his arrival. They were all dead – the whole village of Louisiana was wiped out by bombs and explosives caused by the Chinese-American war.

Jacob felt hopeless. He never returned to the military and relied on food stamps from the Government. He is sick of the war. He despised chaos. He loathed the merciless leaders in every country. Why can’t the people live in peace? What do wars bring to the world?

Two years after the war, just when Jacob thought he was dying, he met a social worker named Marina. He fell inlove with her rare kindness and beauty. He offered her love and she accepted it. As old folks said, the way to the light is through the darkness.

In 1999, Jacob and Marina tied the knot, saying their love vows in the village church. A year later, Marina gave birth to a girl who they named Avery. They lived in peace and Jacob almost forgot the pain of losing his family and the grudge he bore in wars. Marina gave her a new life and Avery was his light through the darkness.

In 2003, a terrorist group named ARMOR bombed Louisiana. Marina, who was out working, died; her body was never found. The bombing was so great that it burned the people to ashes.

With tears in his eyes, Jacob ran to the wilderness. “What do you want of me?” He asked the Lord on bended knees. “You killed my parents and siblings, now my wife! Why don’t you take my life?”

The thunder roared and lightning struck the tree infront of Jacob. It tore into half and fell on the ground. Jacob thought it was a sign that tells him to fight again. For his life. For his daughter. For the innocent people. For his country.

In 2004, Jacob joined ARMOR to infiltrate their plans. They engraved an ARMOR tattoo on his arm and welcomed him to the group.

In 2005, Jacob trained his five-year old daughter, Avery how to fight. Jacob’s line of work is dangerous and he knew Avery will get to fight for herself someday.

In 2011, Jacob left ARMOR. The fire in his heart is burning so he never cared if the terrorist group will chase him for the rest of his life. ARMOR never knew he had a daughter, so he abandoned Avery to protect her.

In that year, Jacob killed 3 key people in ARMOR. He didn’t tell the Government about ARMOR for he believed the Government is biased. They will poison his mind into thinking they’re his ally when in fact they weren’t. They only fend for themselves and secure their own needs. No such thing as friends exist in this world. Jacob preferred to work alone, as a one-man army.

In 2012, Jacob bombed ARMOR’s base, causing ARMORs fury to grow.

In 2013, Jacob felt like he wanted to have backup. So, he formed a group that will defeat terrorism and protect America. He trained his men the fighting skills he got from the military. He gathered weapons and made plans with them.

From 2014 to 2015, he sent his men to kill ARMOR disciples one by one. “Slay those bastards with armor tattoo,” he inculcated in their minds.

In 2016, Jacob finally found Avery in San Francisco. “She’s alive and well. Better.” In that same year, ARMOR bombed Arizona. A number of people died and those who were lucky to survive were traumatized. Jacob heard of a lady who cured mentally and emotionally sick people in that city. Colbie Stone – a woman who excelled in dangerous sports. He recruited her to watch over Avery.

From 2017 to present – Jacob never stopped commanding his men to exterminate everyone who is a part of ARMOR.

Jacob grimaced at the thought of his past. The way to the light is indeed through the darkness. I’m still alive afterall, with a hardened heart.

He walked out of the bathroom and caught a glimpse of Don sitting on a couch, waiting for him. Don handed him a newspaper as he bit his lower lip. “After revealing in public the name of ARMORs founder, do you think ARMOR wouldn’t come knocking on your door to silence you?”

Jacob laughed. “Let’s prepare for a war. I guess, this is death.”


This is death xx

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