28.1: Answers | Avery

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Current Time: Saturday, 18:00 EST
Current Location: West Virginia, USA - 38.5976*N, 80.4549*W
Current Mission: Find out Jacob Collin's secret

By the time we made it to the secret base, the sun is almost behind the trees. Infront of us are high walls and a tall, black gate adorned with spikes. It was wide open and no one stood nearby. Colbie parked the car on a corner with long grasses. "Where are the guards?" she asked with a tone of incredulity. She hopped off the car, holding her bag and I followed suit.

"And the gate is open," I commented, looking at Colbie who seemed frantic. "Could it be ..."

BANG! We heard shots from a distance, definitely coming from inside the building.

"Run!" Colbie screamed. We both ran inside the gate as Dino's drone trailed behind. It looked like some uninvited guest arrived before I could even see my dad.

BANG! BANG! BANG! The indistinct shooting grew louder as we got closer to the building. Colbie took out the guns from her bag and dangled the knife to her jeans. "There's shooting inside."

"It's ARMOR." I tightened my grip on the pistols I was holding on either hands. I was upset. ARMOR ruined my only chance of meeting up with Jacob Collins.

I glanced at Dino's drone at the back then to Colbie. "I think Dino can hear us when we speak to that thing. Can we ask him to survey the area first before we get inside? To be safe," I suggested.

Colbie shook her head. "No. If we don't rush inside now, I worry they might kill Jacob before you even get to talk to him. He wanted to tell you something important right?"

"Yeah, but why didn't he tell me when we're still in Colorado?"

"Perhaps it's something so sensitive that he wanted to say it to you in person. Now, let's get in," Colbie said.

"Okay," I nodded and began to take a step closer to the back of the building. We sneaked through the cars that were parked in the garage.

BANG! BANG! BANG! They're having a great blast inside. Colbie ran towards the barrel near the back door and hid. I followed her. I looked behind me from time to time, cautious of someone who might attack me.

"I'll get in and you gotta follow me at the count of five," Colbie said before she parted ways with me. I opened the door a little later and the shots became louder. I got inside, walking discreetly 'til a cold hand grabbed my arm. I placed my leg in his thigh and pushed him off the floor. He wore black long sleeves and I can't see his arms, so I can't tell if he's an ARMOR disciple or not. But I need to kill whoever stood in my way inorder to be alive.

BANG! The man fired his gun and I dodged in a quick pace. "F*ck you!" I yelled and shot his head. Two other men who wore the same black clothes appeared and they were shocked to see me. "Oh, a girl?" one guy asked in disbelief.

"Hmm, she looked good in bed." The other guy licked his lips and I fired my gun against him with haste.

F*cking pervert. Die.

I hid beside a cabinet when the other man tried to shoot me. I fired back by shooting his hands so he dropped his gun. Then I shot his legs so that he falls to the ground. I walked over to him and grabbed his collar. "Tell me, where's Jacob Collins?"

His eyes grew wide. "Y-you're his lost daughter?"

My eyebrows crossed. "Lost? He left me, freak! Tell me, where he is!"

The man chuckled. "He's dead."

I shot his head and tossed him on the floor. Another man appeared infront of me, about to shoot when Colbie came to my rescue. She slashed his throat using a knife. "Jacob's office is upstairs. You should go now, I'll cover for you."

"Thanks," I said and left Colbie. I ran upstairs, passing by the men who were fighting each other, exchanging shots. Answers. I need answers.

A steel door appeared right before me and I kicked it hard. "You must be Jacob Collins," I uttered at the man with grey hair sitting on a chair with his back facing me. He was peering at the window, looking outside. But is this really him? Why the hell would he act calm when intruders sneaked inside his secret base and his men were dying downstairs? ARMOR is cunning. They could dress like my dad and deceive me.

"Let me ask you a question before you tell me that secret," I added, pointing a gun at him this time.

"CUNJUR," the man uttered, still gazing at the window. "CUNJUR. CUNJUR."

I quirked an eyebrow. Was he greeting me French? Bonjour? "What the hell are you saying?"

"It's a code you have to remember, my daughter," the man said as he slowly faced me. Surprise got the better of me. It was the same man who taught me martial arts and survival techniques when I was young. The man who raised me as a solo parent. The man who left me.

Jacob Collins. He still looked the same; but he's aged much.

"Dad, why did you leave me?" I asked, trying to hold back the tears that were beginning to fall. As much as I don't want to be emotional, it seemed unbearable now that I've finally seen my father for the first time in a long time.

"To protect you." Jacob was moving towards me but I took a step back. I gripped the gun firmly, acting tough. How can he lie to me this time? I tried to convince myself that what he said is a lie. But I knew my dad and he always tell me the truth.

"To protect me, huh? A man tried to kill me when you mysteriously left and he's part of the terrorist group you once belonged. ARMOR wanted me dead."

He stopped on his tracks, looking elsewhere. My eyes landed on the black shirt he wore and I was surprised to see the armor tattoo on his arm. I looked at him quizzically. "Are you still part of ARMOR?"


"Why do you still have that ARMOR tattoo on your arm?"

He exhaled roughly. "So I'll be reminded of Marina, your mom. She's actually the reason why I'm still alive today."

I felt my heart in my throat. I was having second thoughts on my mom's death and now's the perfect time to ask him the truth about it. I was about to open my mouth when he spoke, "The secret I wanted to tell you talks about the real cause of Marina's death."

"How did she die?" I asked.

"She died when ARMOR bombed Louisiana in 2003. ARMOR killed her," he said firmly. "That's the reason why I joined ARMOR - to infiltrate their plans and destroy them afterwards," he added.


When you can't beat them, join em! :)

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