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Dianne I-I really like-e y...

I grumbled as the shrill tone of my alarm rung through my ears as my eyes slowly adjusted to the harsh sunlight that pooled through my curtains.
''Alexa stop'' I shouted as I tossed in bed, fighting the urge to sink back into my covers and escape from today.
I walked over to my mirror examining my shock of red hair which had fashionably been turned into a birds nest overnight.
''It's nothing'' I reassured myself as my thoughts pondered over the dream that I had been unwillingly awoken from, which had been slowly becoming a regular occurrence over the past week, it was something about seeing him in his element, on a roof, the happiest she had ever seen him that ultimately made her swoon for him a little bit more.
''Its just because your lonely and single'' she huffed still staring at herself in the mirror.
Stepping into the shower she couldn't help but feel an uneasiness as she thought about this weeks dance, the American Smooth, undoubtedly a rather romantic number.
''What if i slip up and say something embarrassing?'' she thought as the water ran over her ''I don't want to ruin our friendship'' she whispered.

''Shit'' I half-shouted trying to not wake Byron up as I looked at the clock realising I had ten minutes to get to the studio.
Just as i was rushing out of the door my phone lit up, It was Dianne
'' Knowing you, you're probably rushing out of your door, but I'm running late as well so slow down, we don't want you pulling a muscle before the weeks even started! '' I dumfoundly stared at the text, a smile creeping across my face, people would think I was weird for saying this, seeing as we've only known each other for three weeks but there was something truly special about this girl.
''If only she felt the same'' I sighed stepping into the lift.
There was something off about Dianne today, she seemed on edge. Every time we reached the Hollywood drop she'd find something 'wrong' in order to stop it.

''...different to who we are'' Those dreaded lyrics rang through my head again as I unwantingly untangled myself from Joes grip before the drop.
''That was really good Joe'' I said making my way over to the speaker as Joe stared at me in shock
''Di are you all right?'' He questioned making his way over to me.
''Yeah, why wouldn't I be?'' I replied knowing full well what he was referring to.
''Its just-t'' He stopped himself
''What?'' I asked
''It's nothing'' He quipped
I sighed looking at the clock ''Its late you should head home''

''Are you sure'' I questioned staring at her in awe
''How could someone be so perfect'' I thought
She nodded in response as I gathered my things and walked towards the door.
''Di, if you need anything just call me'' I said opening the door
She smiled ''You did good today Joseph!'' She shouted as the door swung shut.
I opened my door, exhausted, I made my way upstairs and slipped into bed, cursing myself for not finishing my sentence, ''What if somethings really wrong?'' I whispered to myself. I grabbed my phone, texting Dianne
'' Goodnight, and if you need anything don't hesitate to call me. x'' I placed my phone on the nightstand and drifted off into a well needed sleep.

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