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6:03 AM...
I couldn't get to sleep, my phone lit up for probably the 100th time that night. It buzzed against the table, pulling me from my question filled daze. My eyes still hazy with tears I glanced at the texts, all from Jake. Sadness flooded me as i realised not one of them were from Joe, but it was soon replaced with anger as I thought of what he kept from me.
''If you want to be left alone then ok, just know what you're missing'' The text read. Leaving him on read at every text thankfully gave him the hint, I blocked his number and put my phone on charge. I had been up all night,
"there's no point in trying to sleep now." I thought. I dragged myself to my mirror examining the mess that stood before me. My mascara had run and my hair was a mess. I turned on the shower, taking my makeup off whilst waiting for it to heat up, I stepped into the shower, the warm water instantly flushing away the outlets questions that had ran through my mind all night.

6:30 AM...
I couldn't sleep. I had been awake all night thinking about mine and Dianne's fight, if you could call it that, it was petty and I was stupid for acting like that. I pulled myself into the shower, hoping it would make me feel better.
I sat at my breakfast bar, finishing my breakfast, I glanced at the clock and decided that I should leave.
"Can't have Dianne being angry at me for being late as well." I grumbled as I placed my plate in the dishwasher. I gathered my things and headed out of the door, already dreading rehearsal.
I walked into the studio reception, a certain uneasiness rising in my stomach as I caught a glimpse of red hair through the door. I walked in place my bags in the corner, I caught her eye in the mirror, it was bloodshot and she looked like she hadn't slept, she stiffened up and headed towards her phone, she started playing the song and walked over to me, explaining the moves in the dance.

It was now the part I was dreading, we know had to piece all the moves together and attempt to run through the whole dance. The thought of having to be that close with Joe angered me, no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't stop thinking of why he kept it all a secret from me. We were halfway through the dance when Joe made a mistake, I stopped him and walked towards my phone.
"Why can't you get it Joe?'' I huffed
"Maybe if you weren't so distant and blunt, I might get it." He snapped

"I'm sorry-y—y" I stuttered realising my mistake.
"No you're right, but I'm only like this because of you." She replied, blinking back tears.
The thought of making her more sad angered me, which then led me to be more defensive to the person I wanted to make the happiest.
''Why?" I snapped
''Because if you had told me in he first place I wouldn't be like this." Gesturing to herself as tears spilled from her face.
"Like what?"I asked, clearly angering her even more.
"If you'd had told me what had happened then I wouldn't of been made a fool, he was seeing other girls Joe." She said, desperation clear in her voice.
"But I did and you still didn't listen, I know I should of told you earlier, but if you didn't believe me earlier then why would you of believed me last week?" I said moaned, the exasperation clear in my voice. A look of contemplation flashed across her face, as she fell to the floor, with her face in her hands. I run over to her positioning her so she's leaning into me.
"I'm so sorry Di" I whisper
''No I'm sorry..." She splutters.
"I'm just tired of being made a fool of" She sighs. I rock her back and forth apologising profusely earning a giggle from Dianne.
"How about we accept its both of our faults?" She says. I chuckle in response, leaving us in a comfortable silence as we hold each other on the floor.

"Why would anyone want to make a fool out of you anyway" Joe said breaking the silence, I looked at him as he continued,
"You're so talented and funny and amazing at what you do and beaut-t" Joe blushed looking away.
''What were you about to say?'' I giggled.
"Just that your beautiful" He blushed "And I don't know why anyone would ever treat you like you're not" He sighed.
It was then that I realised that Joe was the one I wanted to be with; From our first time meeting each other, the time we done the birth simulator on his channel, how my sides ached with laughter the whole time I was with him, the countless near misses we've had, his passion and drive for dance, to the times he would subtly complement me. It was then that I realised he was the one that made the happiest and I was stupid for not acknowledging it sooner and pushing him away. He was the one I needed. His eyes flickered between my eyes and lips.
''Here goes nothing..." He whispered, as our lips connected. The butterflies erupted and swirled in my stomach, but for once I didn't try and contain them, I acknowledged them because I, for once, was certain that this is what I truly wanted.

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