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"...and remember guys, 36 runs!" Trent said as he walked out the studio with the rest of the boys.
"Bye Trent!" Dianne and I shouted in unison as he disappeared down the hallway.
"I mean Trent and the boys are great, but when there here I cant do this..." Dianne said leaning into me and placing a kiss on my lips.
"I agree." I say as we both pull away.
"Now come on we've got 36 runs to do." I say to Dianne, pulling her up of the sofa as she groans in response.
We were halfway through our third run when Dianne grabs hold of me.
"This isn't part of the dance." I thought as she started to sway.
"Joe-e" She whimpered, trying to steady herself. I picked her up and carried her over to the chair.
"Put your head between your legs." I said to her as I walked over to my phone, lifting it up so Dianne was in view and losing for a thumbnail.
"It will get the views." I said walking back over to her and rubbing her back.
"huh?" She mumbles,
"Nothing Di relax, let's get you home." I say as I grab my phone ordering an Uber.
"What about our 36 runs?" She replies, looking up, her eyes bloodshot.
"If you take the 6 of it we technically done them all." I remarked, Dianne rolled her eyes in response,
"You can come back to mine, you practically live there anyway." Which was true, near enough all her clothes we're in my wardrobe and she was round every day. Dianne giggled, clearly in her dizzy state she couldn't function. I gathered all our things and helped her into the taxi,
"Joe I'm not a baby." She moaned as I put the seatbelt on her.
"I'm just repaying the favour from last week." I smiled getting into the seat next to her and giving the driver the address.

"Go upstairs and change into your pyjamas, I'll make some tea." Joe said kissing me on my forehead. My heart swelled at the fact someone cared this much for me.
"You're the best." I said to Joe walking up the stairs.
We were sat on the sofa watching a random film on Netflix. I couldn't tell you the plot if I tried, my mind was more focused in much pressing matters. I sat up and turned to face Joe a look of confusion spread across his face,
"You alright Di?" He questioned, I sighed,
''I know it's early, and-d..." I stuttered, continuing,
"...but I think I've fallen for you." Joe looked taken aback before pulling me into a kiss, which yet again set of butterflies in my stomach,
"I'll never be tired of that feeling." I thought as he pulled away.
"I was thinking the exact same thing." He said, pulling me into him and resuming our previous position in the sofa. This is where I wanted to be,
"You make me the happiest." Joe said looking down at me.
"...and you have too." I replied, snuggling deeper into him as the film credits rolled.

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