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I sat at my breakfast bar with Dianne next to me, we both cheers'd our wine glasses.
"We're though the Blackpool!" We both said in unison, we both couldn't control the grins that spread across our faces.
''I'm so proud of Joe, I knew you could do it''She exclaimed.
''Really?'' I queried. She shook her head vigorously causing some wine to spill out of her glass onto her shirt.
''Uh-oh" She frowned.
''I'll put it in the wash and you can borrow one of mine.'' I replied grabbing her hand and pulling her up from the bar stool.
''Can it be the one i wore the other day?'' She questioned, I chucked
''Of course you can Di, it looked better on you anyway.'' Turning to face her and smiling, I pulled her close and kissed her softly, walking to my wardrobe and getting the T-shirt, I handed it to her.
''I'll just be downstairs, ok?" I said to her. She hummed in response as I walked out of the room.

We had just finished our dress run and I'm not going to lie it wasn't the best, I could feel Joes frustration, but I knew that it was just his nerves and he would be fine later.
''I'm so sorry Di." Joe sighed walking over to me. I squeezed his hand and smiled softly at him over to greet his Nan Phylis.

Nearing the end of our chat Dianne had to be ushered off to costume, leaving me alone with my Nan.
"You like her don't you?" She continued
"I may be 95 but I have been in love before you know"
'Love' the word struck me, did I love Dianne?.  We weren't even officially together, I was having the time of my life with her, but would she say yes? These questions whirred through my brain, Nan clearly noticing my daze said, ''I'll stop prying now love'' I flashed her a smile before I too was called to costume, I said goodbye to my family and walked to costume seeing Neil as I went,
''You alright Sugg, you seem to have a pep in your step'' He said,
''Just raring for tonight mate'' I replied, earning a chuckle from Neil, truth is I wasn't exactly that excited, truth be told I was bricking it, I had a pep in my step due to knowing what I was going to do tonight. I was finally going to ask Dianne to be my Girlfriend...

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