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Different to who we are...

The song rang throughout the studio as our heads leant on each other, we looked into each others eyes and a shiver ran through my spine.
''Dianne stop, you've got a date tomorrow.'' But I just couldn't shake the feeling I felt when I looked into his eyes.
My thoughts were interrupted by the rapturous applause that echoed through the studio, shrieks and squeals filled the air as we made our way over to Tess and the judges.

I was in a daze, after the Judges comments we made our way hand-in-hand up the stairs to the claudiatorium,  Dianne keeping a strong grip on my hand.
"The Judges commented on the chemistry..." Claudia said, earning a few "ohhhhhs" from the audience. Dianne giggled, I tried my hardest to come across as engaged and happy but I couldn't help the feeling of jealousy that coursed through me when I thought about her on a date with another man, which ultimately affected my mood. Dianne reassuringly squeezed my hand noticing I was more disengaged as usual as Claudia she talked about the voting terms and conditions.  Making our way down to the corridor to film our reaction to the scores a sudden feeling of disappointment washed over me, it was only now that the Judges scores had really sunk in, we had only received a 26, something I knew Dianne would be slightly disappointed by.

I cant help but feel that Joes sudden change in mood is to do with me, he slightly hung behind me as we walked to the filming room, I could almost feel the disappointment in the air. I stopped and turned to face him, earning a slight flinch from Joe, due to my sudden movement.
''Joe what's wrong?'' I asked, desperation clear in my voice.
''It's nothing Di, don't worry'' He replied defeatedly
''Joseph Graham Sugg, I've known you long enough to know when you're lying to me'' I said, earning a slight smile from Joe
''You've only known me three weeks Di'' He chuckled.
''You're ruining it-t'' I was giggled getting interrupted by the camera crew ushering us into the room.
''Speak to me later, ok?'' I whispered to him, in which he nodded in response.

We had just finished filming the results show, we got through to next week, which Di was ecstatic about, making me giggle at her childlike demeanour. We were now back in my dressing room, getting ready to leave for the weekly afterparty.
(I don't know if they ever had weekly afterpartys but let's imagine they did)
''So Joe are you going to tell me why you were so down earlier?'' She asked turning to face me.
'' I just can't help but feel that I let you down earlier'' I sighed turning to look at something other than Dianne.

I was shocked.
''You didn't disappoint me at all, we're through to next week for Christ's sake, how is that a disappointment?'' I said, walking over and encapsulating him in a hug.
''You could never disappoint me'' I whispered in his ear.
''Thank you so much'' He sighed
''For What'' I said
''For making me feel worthy of being here.'' He whispered. My heart broke at the fact he felt as if he shouldn't be here.
We pulled away staring into each others eyes.
''We're having a moment'' I thought.
''Don't ruin it'' I internally screamed.
There was a knock on the door, causing us both to jump.
''Hunnis, the taxis here come on!'' Stacey shouted from the other side of the wall.
We looked at each other blushing, I made my way over to the door opening it and walking out trying to shake off that feeling, the feeling that I felt all the time i was with him, it was impossible to do but I still tried. Joe trailed behind, getting into the taxi as we  broke the silence by talking about next weeks dance.


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