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It was Sunday, to my surprise we had got through to Halloween Week.
All the hard work and training had worked, and I was so grateful that I was able to do Dianne, the Waltz and Dianne's favourite song justice. The competition was heating up and I was so close to Blackpool I could almost taste the salty water, so we decided to get the reaction video done early this week so we had enough time during the week to practice and ace the dance.

I had gotten to Joe's late, as usual, seeing as I was already on a tight schedule, I practically sprinted to his door. I composed myself, flattening my crazy hair and knocked on the door. It opened revealing a Joe who in turn looked me up and down.
"What's wrong?'' I asked
"Did you run a marathon before knocking on the door" He asked stifling a laugh.
"No-o-...I was running a bit late so I simply picked up the pace" I said hoping he would believe that I in fact wasn't sweaty because I ran a grand total of 50 feet.
He contemplated my answer for a second, eventually believing it as a smile flickered across his face as he welcomed me in. 
''I'm a dancer for gods sake and i got out of breath from that'' I thought mentally face palming myself. We sat at his Island almost immediately and started to watch our practice runs of the Waltz. I could feel how uncomfortable Joe was rewatching all his fails, burying his head into his jumper every time he stumbled, it made me laugh rewatching all the mistakes much to Joes dismay. By the end of the video my sides ached and it felt as if I couldn't breath, my eyes were streaming with tears which we both found all the more hilarious causing more to run. Once we had composed ourselves, Joe started to pack away the little equipment that he used in order to film his reaction videos, smiling at me occasionally, causing butterflies once AGAIN!
"Seriously Dianne get a grip" I thought to myself as my phone pinged, it was Jake.
"Still on for tonight? 7pm? X" It read
''Yes of course." I replied, I never sent him kisses, it made me feel weird, I'd happily send them to Joe; that just felt right, but with Jake it felt wrong.
"Yes Dianne" he replied, smiling and turning to face me.
"I best be off, I've got a date" I said
''With him again..." joe huffed turning away in haste. I don't know what's wrong with me, I felt the anger rising and unable to push i back down I snapped.
''What's your problem Joe!'' I spoke my voice rising.
"With what?" He said sarcastically, still facing away.
''You know what, why is it every time I mention my date you go funny" I exasperated.
"I'm finally happy'' i spat, the sentence that just left my mouth riddled with lies.
"But your not!'' He groaned, he turned to face me, his voice rising.
''What-t-t..." I stuttered.
''The other week you got drunk and told me you weren't happy!'' He continued
''You said he was weird!" He was practically shouting.
Unable to respond I burst into tears, what Joe was saying wasn't true, was it.
''Think Dianne, think" I internally screamed.
"When would I have said that?'' I thought. Frustrated with myself and most importantly Joe I stormed out, slamming the door behind me, I could her Joe calling after me, but it was too late the lift was closing and the damage had been done.
''Why are you so stupid?'' I said to myself my voice hoarse as I stared into the lift mirror. I only lived 10 minutes away so I decided to walk, I stepped into my apartment cold and distraught, my phone need with numerous messages, a part of me hoped it was Joe, an obviously stupid part. It was an unknown number the text read,
''Don't want to cause any trouble but the boy you're currently seeing has recently gone a date with me. X"
"Just thought you should know, I saw him featured in some news articles with you, so I called us off immediately, I just thought it wouldn't be fair if you didn't know. X" I was shocked, I slumped on my sofa tears stinging my eyes as I texted the number back.
''How can I believe you?" I wrote. Almost immediately the girl sent through multiple texts with her and Jake on a date through.
"I hope I've done the right thing, all the best. X" she text.
''You have, thank you." I replied. I broke down in tears, how could I have been so stupid.
''I've hurt Joe" I cried.
''I should of believed him" I thought. In that moment it wasn't only the floodgates that had been opened, my selective memory had decided to come back, the whole conversation I had with Joe sloshed through my brain, replaying it countless times I couldn't help but become angry at Joe for not telling me what I'd said, we both opulent of been in this mess if he had. I whimpered as i dragged myself to bed, not bothering to take my makeup off, and tried my hardest to get to sleep, my brain whirring with questions.

I cant believe I just did that, I just couldn't help myself, no matter how hard i tried to stop my feelings for Dianne coming through, I couldn't help it and I just snapped. I contemplated texting her but i decided against it,
''She's probably having a nice time on her date." I sighed walking upstairs.
''Why do you have to be so stupid, you ruin everything" I said to myself looking in the mirror. I got into bed falling into an uneasy sleep.


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