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1:26 AM
I slowly opened my eyes and stretched my arms out hoping to come into contact with Joe, but he wasn't there, as I slowly adjusted to my surroundings I realised I was in Joes apartment, in Joes bed, but there was no Joe. At that moment I heard noise from the bathroom,  I pulled back the duvet and made my way towards the bathroom; I pushed the door open and was greeted by Joe slumped over the toilet he turned to look at me
''Di go back to bed I'm fin...'' Before he could finish his sentence he jerked his head back to the basin and proceeded to be sick, I ran over to him kneeling beside him and I rubbed his back. After a couple of minutes the slumped against the bathroom wall.
''Come on Joe let's get you back to bed" I said helping him off the floor.
"No I don't want you to catch anything." He replied,
"I won't." I said as I helped him into bed and pulled the covers back hoping to ease his fever, I went downstairs and got him a glass of water which I placed on his bedside table, before slipping into bed next to him.

2:05 AM
I lurched out of bed as another wave of sickness washed over me. I could hear Dianne following behind me, I barely made it to the toilet before being sick again, Dianne grabbed me the glass of water from the bedroom,
"Take little sips Joe." She said whilst rubbing my back.
"I don't deserve you." I whispered my voice hoarse.
"I'm just ring to help." She replied, kissing my
forehead and helping me up yet again. I got into bed and pulled Dianne close.
"If you need anything just wake me up." She said sleepily, her breathing got heavier signalling that she had fallen asleep.

7:34 AM
I woke up this morning tangled in Joes arms,
"I'll push training back" I whispered to myself, glancing at the clock whilst getting out of bed. I headed downstairs and made Joe some toast with butter, seeing it was probably the only thing he could stomach right now. I made myself some too and carried both the plates up the stairs. I placed Joes plate on his bedside table before slowly shaking him awake.
"I made you breakfast, you don't have to eat it if you don't want to." I whispered to him as he stirred.
"Thanks Di." He said whilst sitting up.
"Feeling any better?" I asked getting back into bed.
"Still feeling a bit weak, but better so we can still train." He said smiling at me.
"I just want you to be ok" I replied, as he took a bite out of his toast.


I was feeling much better now and after every run through Dianne always checked to make sure I was alright. There were a few times that I had to stop because I felt dizzy much to the choreographers dismay, but now he had left I could take it much easier.
"You did amazing today considering you were ill." Dianne beamed, causing me to smile.
"It's just because I have an amazing doctor/girlfriend!" I replied,
"Whoever thought little old Suggy would ever get a girlfriend!" I said to myself in the studio mirror, causing Dianne to roll her eyes.
"What?" I asked turning around,
"Would you like me to list off reasons as to why you have one?" She smiled.
"Go on then if it makes you happy." I smirked causing her to roll her eyes again.
"Well there's your sense of humour, you're looks, your kindness, your determination, your passion, this list could go on and on..." She exclaimed.
"Oh does it?" I say walking over to her and pulling her into a hug, kissing her forehead.
"Thanks for looking after me today." I say as we walk out the studio.
"My pleasure." She said intertwining our fingers as we walked out of the studio.

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