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...Jump around

"Shit" I thought as I ran to our next position, making sure to dodge the mic pack as I went.
Jump Jump Jump Jump... The musicians wailed,
"Come on Dianne, you can't stop now don't ruin it for Joe!" I thought as I squared myself up with the huge basketball rolling towards me.
'crunch' 'crunch' was all I could hear from beneath me,
"The techs are going to hate me!" I whispered under my breath. As I rolled the ball to Joe for him to throw. The whistle blew, as I breathed a sigh of relief, jumping into Joes arm,
"Yes!" I screamed, releasing from his grip. I held onto Joe steadying myself so to not fall due to the mess of wires wrapped around my legs, noticing my debacle Joe helped me untangle the wires before walking over to the Judges.

"...It was difficult but spot on." Shirley beamed, as I smiled back trying to regain my composure.
"9, 10, 10, 10" The judges said.
"2 triple tens in a row" I thought unable to keep the smile off of my face.
"We didn't drop any balls" Dianne screeched as I laughed into the camera.
"You did great!" She said hugging me, being careful to not show too much affection, we don't want any more rumours.

"...and the next couple through to the quarter finals are..." Tess said, it had finally hit me about how far we'd come in the competition.
"And I couldn't of done it with a better person." I thought being interrupted you Tess announcing,
"Joe and Dianne!" I was ecstatic, I practically leapt onto Joe, hanging of his neck like a child. As the lights above is dimmed he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
"I'm so proud of you." I whispered, turning to face him my eyes adjusting to the dark glow around us.
"It's all down to you!" He sighed pulling me into another hug, as the next couple was announced.
"Who?" I whispered, clearly not paying attention to the announcement due to being so caught up in the moment with Joe. He chuckled and pointed to Stacey and Kevin who were celebrating.
"Guessing it's them then..." I said as Joe chuckled at my obliviousness.

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