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''This is it, show day'' I thought to myself.
''Three weeks in, I should be used to it by now but I still am petrified.'' I deliberate, as I squirm in my chair as Liv tries to put eyeliner on me.
''People would think we're having a fist fight the amount you're moving in that chair'' She says, earning a laugh from both of us. I catch Dianne's reflection in the mirror I can't help but she her flinch and stare at liv intently as we both laugh at the fact my eyes were now streaming due to the makeup brush.
''Liv you're supposed to be good at this'' I shriek
''Not poke my bloody eyes out'' We both laugh at my remark as she reaches for a makeup wipe.
I see Dianne huff and walk out of the room.
''Is she alright?'' Liv questions. I shrug.
''I'll be as quick as possible, so you can go and talk to her''
I hum in response praying that liv will be done soon.

I can't help but feel stupid as I walk out of the room. I heard liv ask Joe if I was alright but I couldn't face them, i just couldn't shake the pangs of jealousy I felt when I saw them, like I normally do. I run to my dressing room, locking the door behind me, I look in the mirror tears streaming down my face.
''Why are you being so stupid Dianne?'' My hoarse voice whispers
''You've only known him for three weeks, its just a silly crush!'' I reassure myself wiping away the tears.
My phone pings, it was a tinder notification, I giggle to myself and cringe at the fact I still have the app, the photo catches my eyes,
''oh he's handsome'' I chuckle.
''He wants to go out to dinner.'' I sigh,
''Well I mean there's no harm in it, it might help me get over my stupid crush on joe.'' I reason. I reply, to which he responds almost immediately and we arrange a day and time.
''Well he's a keen bean'' I say to myself
I check myself over in the mirror one last time, unlock the door, and step out, bumping straight into Joe.

I practically sprint out of the makeup room and hastily make my way to Dianne's dressing room, just I'm about to knock the door swings open revealing a very chirpy Dianne, a complete polar opposite as to what she was like a mere ten minutes ago.
''Joe, hi, is there anything I can do for you?'' She smiles. that godamn smile.
''Just wanted to make sure you're alright after you rushed out earlier'' I replied. She blushed,
''Just girl problems.'' She quipped. I mentally cringed at the fact I had worried so much and she had to justify why she left to me.
''Anyway why are you so happy Di?'' I questioned breaking the silent tension that filled the air.
''Well... I've got a date!'' She beamed. I couldn't help but feel hurt, I stood there shocked as Dianne's smile turned into a frown.
''Don't worry Joseph, ill still go to prom with you'' She giggled to herself, desperately trying to disperse the awkward tension.
''Yeah-h-h'' I stuttered
''Well Joe I better get to makeup soon; Liv might murder me if I'm late again.'' She walked down the corridor with a pep in her step as I just stood there, frozen.
''She'll never like someone like you Joe'' I thought to myself

I cant shake the mental image of Joes face after I told him about my date, it was almost a look of distraught, something I knew all to well.
''You alright girl, you seem quiet today'' Liv questioned
''Yeah i fine Liv, just feel a bit ill'' I smiled. She nodded in response and carried on with my makeup,
But I still couldn't shake it,
''Did he like me?'' I thought.
''Surely he can't, why would he?'' I pondered as I semi-engaged in a conversation with Liv. Whilst my mind whirred with questions.

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