{4}Drinking With Uta and Itori🍷

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☕Chapter 4☕
Drinking With Uta and ItorI🍷

    It's been a few weeks since you started working at Anteiku, they have accepted you as one of their own.
Recently, a boy named Kaneki came along to work at Anteiku he's alright to you. The way Touka yells at him makes you think they like each other, because when you came here, Touka was everything but mean to you. The kid also shares your interest for books, that's an instant friendship.


After work, Yomo picked you up as usual. You and Yomo got closer as each passes by, even though you knew him for only about two weeks or so, you felt like you knew him for years.
"Hey, Renji."
You greeted as you entered the car, and yes, you call him Renji now because he said to.
"Hey, some old friends of mine asked me for you to come see them. Are you willing?"
"Sure, why not? It won't hurt meeting new people."
"Do you drink?"


You now realized why Renji asked you if you drink, because he was taking you to a bar.

"Hello, I'm Uta, pleased to meet you." The gothic looking man with ghoulish eyes said,
"And I'm Itori! I own this bar and it's nice to finally see you!" The red haired woman jumped up from her seat and hugged you. They were acting like you met them and they hadn't seen you in a long time. Which was weird, since you hadn't met them.
"It's nice to see you both."
"Renji has been talking about you. When I say, talking about you, I mean talking about you!"
"I had no idea."
"In my perspective, it sounds like he likes her."
"Would you like a drink?"
"Yes please, I'm not a professional drinker so give me your weakest."
"Alrighty, the weakest lady drink, coming right up."
She placed a glass before you, you took few sips and placed it back down.
"How long have you known each other?"
"About two weeks now.."
"What do you think about him?"
"He's.. a nice guy, he saved my life and I thank him for that."
"He saved your life? Renji, how come you didn't tell us?"
"I don't have to tell you everything, Itori."
While Itori and Renji had their petty argument, you looked at Uta's eyes. Even though staring is rude, you couldn't help but gaze into them. 
"Is something the matter, (Name)?"
"Oh, nothing. It's just that- your eyes are, mesmerizing."
"Oh, thank you. It's contacts." He placed his hand underneath his eye.
"It looks so real, like ghoul eyes."


    You were completely wasted after drinking only three glasses of the weakest drink for ladies. Renji held you up while you were passed out cold as he bid farewell to his friends.
"Have a good night, Renji, take care of her."
"Good night! Don't take advantage of her!" He realized what Itori was saying and glared at her. Never in his life had he done that to a woman nor does he intend to. Especially with you.
He drove you home and lay you to rest on your bed then pull the blankets over you. He watched as you slept soundly like a baby, he smiled at this and rubbed your head and said, "Goodnight, (Name.)"

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