{10}The Doves💼

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☕Chapter 10☕
The  Doves💼

    After the death of the binge eater, Rize, whom died mysteriously after having metal pipes fall on her, the Counter Commission Ghoul, (CCG), has been keeping a close eye on the 20th ward.
    You were just done watching the early morning news as Special Investigator Mado, was explaining the cause of this goose chase. This whole rigmarole had you
uncomfortable, it kept reminding you of that fateful day over and over again. It will also be a difficulty, for Renji to be protecting you. What can you do to protect both yourself and Renji from getting hurt?


     You were just done dressing when you heard a knock upon the door,
you opened the door to reveal four men in suits and silver briefcases.
You already knew who they were and what they came for, "Oh, what a pleasant surprise! Special Investigator Mado and Amon, great to see you."
You hugged them both.
"Who's at the door, (Name)?"  Renji asked as he took his coat from the rack and quickly put it on. "Some friends of my uncle's"
"Who's this?"
"My.. my boyfriend." You said nervously,
"You? A boyfriend? I couldn't dream of it." Amon highly doubted, shaking his head.
"I knew him for about a year now. Since my uncle died, I'm still picking up the broken pieces in my life; settling down, getting married, raising a family.. that kind of stuff."
"Come, let's give you a ride to work, we have a lot to catch up on.."
"I'll go ask my boyfriend if he's alright with that, he's really over protective of me.." You shuffled away from them and went to Renji.
"Who are they?" Renji asked, with suspicion and anger evident in his voice.
"They're friends of my lat uncle, they are the doves that are checking this ward. Please don't he mad, but, they want to give me a lift to work. If.. you don't mind."  
"Go on ahead, I'll come over midday to check on you.."
"Yes, thanks honey, bye!" You made a kissing noise to make your act look more convincing.


"So, where did you meet him?"
"I worked at a cafe, and he always  came at the same spot with the same orders, everyday.  We eventually get to know each other, went out on dates and here we are.."
"Did he know you were an investigator?"
"That is one part of my past I will not let him know.."
"Alright, change of subject. You're a waitress right? You know and see people here or there.."
"Yes, that's right."
"Have you seen people in this attire, one a woman and the next a child?"
You hid your shock as you stared at the paper, it was Riyoko and Hinami's attire. You shook your head side to side, "No, I'm afraid I haven't. But I shall inform you if I do."
You lied as you looked up at Mado.
"Well, keep this, so you can remember." He handed you the paper.
"Yes." You took the paper,
"This is my stop," you pointed at a wrong cafe so they won't know that it is Anteiku you worked.
"Thanks for the drop, I'll see you guys around."
You waved as you entered the wrong cafe.
You sat and waited for a few minutes for them to leave, you glanced out the glass door to see their car no where to be found.
You left some loose change on the table even though you didn't buy anything and left.


    The bell above the door rang as you came in, you took off your jacket and hung it on the rack by the door. You placed your bag behind the counter and ran a hand through your hair, "(Name), is anything the matter?" Touka asked as she noticed how strange you were acting.
You gave Touka the paper that Mado handed to you in the car, "Where did you get this?"
"Investigators are going around asking citizens if they've seen people with that attire."
"What did you say?"
"I haven't seen them." You sighed, the sad reality is true, they're all ghouls. And you're entangled in the middle of it.

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