{13}The Aogiri Tree I

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☕Chapter 13☕
The Aogiri Tree
part I

   You covered your naked body with Renji's shirt, you looked over at Renji to see that he's still sleeping.  "What a nice man," you said as you ran your hands through his silvery white hair,
"How could I ever make it up to you?" You got up and went out to the veranda, the sun has already risen and the city awoken.
You clasped your hands together to pray for the lives lost of people you care about, 'May all of your souls rest in peace and find eternal happiness in the afterlife. Amen.' The wind blew gently, carrying your prayers along with leaves and flower petals to the risen sun. You picked a single 
white flower from a bunch in a flowerpot and looked at it, as it was slowly transfigured into a red spider lily.
   You caressed its petals,
"I'll assure you, that I won't regret what I'm doing.." You promised as it was dismantled by the gushy morning breeze, it was probably carrying your promise to your uncle who watched down upon you in the heavens.
"Are you alright?" Renji wrapped his arms protectively around you,
"Yes, I was just praying for Riyoko and my uncle."
"Are you going to work, or do you need some more time to clear your mind?" He asked,
"No," you shook your head, "I'm going.."


  The room fell dead silent as you stepped foot into the cafe, "Good morning."
You sighed deeply and placed your bag behind the desk. "You feelin' better, lady? Or are ya gonna freak out again- hey!" Nishiki asked you but was cute off by Touka punching him to the shoulder.
"Sorry about Nishiki," Touka apologized,
"No it's alright, and besides, Nishiki, I am quite well, thank you very much.."
"You're glowing, tell me your secret." The woman with long black hair who stood beside Touka said.
"Really?" You touched your face, and fixed your collar to conceal the dark spots on your neck and chest.
"Only reason people glow like that is when they had really good se-" Nishiki mumbled but Touka punched him again.
"It's the truth.." Nishiki shrugged with a playful grin on his face.
"(Name), my child, I'm glad to know that you're back." Yoshimura patted your back,
"Yeah, it's good to be back."


"I'm going out with Yoshimura, I will be back later on today." Renji started, "If I'm not back by nightfall to come for you, don't go home. You'll spend the night upstairs, okay?"
He said, handing you a bag with some of your clothes.
"Yes," You nodded,
"Be careful, okay?" You warned him,
"Yes, I will." He ruffled your hair before he left.
"Well, I guess it's just us three.." Touka sighed,
"The three of us can get the rest of work done, there is no need to worry." Kaneki reassured.

(Name), go get the new teacups and pack them in the counter, Kaneki will wipe the tables and the counter and I'll sweep and mop. How about that?" Touka suggested,
"I'm okay with that."
"Yeah, I am, too."
"Then afterwards, we'll close up early and go upstairs and watch some TV while waiting for Renji to come for (Name)."
"Guys, you don't have to."
"Nah, we're doing it. And besides, we'll have plenty of fun."


    You went upstairs and packed out some of the boxes of new teacups,
"Touka said to take one box of the red pattered teacups, one box of the blue ones and another box of the green ones."
You reminded yourself as you looked for what she asked for. There was commotion coming from downstairs, but you simply thought that Touka was pummeling Kaneki for doing something wrong or asking too much questions.
    The commotion became louder as you heard shouting and glasses breaking, and the voices you heard did not sound like Touka nor Kaneki. You left the boxes and went downstairs to see what was the commotion all about,
you reached to the bottom of the stairs to see the place a complete wreck, as though five major hurricanes hit it and plus it went through world war.
"What's all the commotion about-" You stopped mid sentence, Touka was almost unconscious on the floor and Kaneki was being held up by his neck by a huge man.
   One that looked exactly like Touka looked at you,
he sniffed the air then smirked. "Since when does Anteiku hire humans?"
"What a beautiful human woman," The other that looked like a woman licked his lips and sucked his fingers.
You stepped back, and the blue haired boy stepped forward, you quickly turned around and sprinted upstairs. His kagune wrapped around your waist and dragged you back downstairs then threw you into a wall.
"Gah!" You spit up blood as you hit the concrete wall, 'Another Ukaku type, and once again, I'm done for...' You sighed.
"Well, I guess I'm a little hungry. But I'll play with you for a little while,"
"You go, Ayato~" The cross-dressed man slurred.
He shot crystals at you,
you had enough adrenalin running through you to jump up and doge his attack.
"Ooh, she's fast~.."
The man-woman ghoul giggled.
"Tch- not for long!"
He shot more crystals at you, you
picked up a table and used it blocked the crystal shards from hitting you.
You then threw the table at him. He cut the table straight down the middle
  You ran to Touka's side and shook her violently,"Touka, Touka what happened? Who are these people-"
You were stabbed to your side and blood ran out, everything became blurry and the voices you heard was barely audible.
Your eyes then slowly closed as you fell unconscious.

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