{17}Shinohara's Visit

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☕Chapter 17☕
Shinohara's Visit

   You wiped your bloody mouth with a napkin as you were finished eating a piece of meat to satisfy your baby's hunger. Surprisingly, you haven't really vomited so much since you found out you were pregnant but you get a severe stomach ache from time to time.
You always thought that the baby was turning or kicking.
"Here," Renji handed you a cup of coffee,
"Thanks Renji, you put those cubes in here for me, right?"
"Yeah, I never forget.." He passed a hand on your belly.
"How's junior?"
"He's quite rebellious, always attacking me every now and then.."
"Maybe you don't feed him enough.." Renji joked.
"Feed him enough? For the past few months, I've been eating for five times a day!"
"Jeez, since you got pregnant, you forgot what a joke is.."
"I'm sorry, Renji honey,"
"You sure you don't want to stay home today?"
"No, I'm fine, I like to go and help around.."
"Okay then, let's go.."


  You glanced at the door as you heard the bell ring, it was Special Investigator Shinohara and a strange boy.
'Oh shocks, how did they find here?'
"Well, whataya know.."
"Special Investigator Shinohara!" You hugged him,
"How are you- oh, who is this?"
"This is Rank 1 Investigator Juuzou Suzuya, say hi Juuzou."
"G'day ma'am! What's this?" The curious boy poked your swollen belly, it twisted and turned in your belly, maybe it just doesn't like him.
"Juuzou, don't be rude."
"I'm carrying a baby, Juuzou."
"Looks like more than one of ya ask me."
"It's okay, I just came from the doctor and they said the baby's really chubby.." You lied.
"So, what will you be ordering?"
"We'll have two small coffees and a sandwich for Juuzou."
"Okay, make yourselves comfortable, your orders are coming up.." You tweeted back to the counter and started to prepare the orders,
you were stopped as you were about to make the coffee.
"You should take some rest, I'll handle it from here." Yoshimura intervened.

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