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Chapter 12

    You haven't stepped foot in Anteiku for the past few days, Yoshimura knew you would come to your senses and gave you some time at home.
Maybe being at home could clear your mind about what happened. Not about Riyoko's death, but seeing that it wasn't your fault.
   The Counter Comission Ghoul had invited you to attend Mado's funeral.
He was your godfather, the least you could do was see him off before he rests in peace. It had been a crazy year thus far, everyone you know is dying out one by one.


"Renji?" You stood at the doorway, "Can I talk to you?" You requested
"Yeah," He sat up and ran a hand through his hair.
You sat at his bedside,
"What I'm gonna say to you is very important and please don't interrupt me."
"Out with it."
You took a deep breath,
"My uncle was a retired Investigator of the CCG, and the man you heard died on the news, he was my godfather. And I, myself was once an investigator" You started, and from the looks of it, Renji looked as though he wanted to explode.
"That's not all,  It all started ten years ago, I was the top of my class and scoring kills as if it was a video game.
One day, I went on a mission and almost got myself killed, I didn't know the Owl was going to be there, I got a deep cut to my side and I thought I was going to die. Thankfully, I survived but I didn't got back on the field after then. I worked as a secretary and dealing with documents, case files, scheduling meetings, assigning squads and so on.
My uncle was informed that ghouls were living in a residence, he went over to that residence and killed everyone, and there was this woman he killed in the home, she was three months pregnant."  Shock was written all over Renji's face, he didn't know what to say to you.
"My uncle was guilty of doing such a thing and he resigned, I did as well. And you see this very share house we're living in, it belonged to the ghouls who he killed."
"Please, Renji, let me finish.." You placed your hands on his lips,
"I knew, that- that you, and the others were ghouls. They way you were so secretive, the way they didn't want me to go upstairs to Hinami,
back at the church when Kimi and I was abducted- Oh yes, I knew. And fear not, I didn't tell a soul."
You began to cry as your heart refused to go on and tell him everything,
"Renji, I like you a lot- I might as well even love you but- I can't do this anymore."  You stood up from the bed.
"I'm leaving tomorrow morning, the share house is yours to keep. Goodnight, Renji.." You turned to leave but Renji grabbed your hand and forced you to sit back down.
"You're not leaving,"
"Please, Renji, I don't want to hurt you-"
Renji pulled you in closer and kissed you passionately, how could he still love you after what you've just said?
"I lied. Before your uncle died, my life was empty and dull but when I met you, you gave me a reason to wake up every morning. I thank you for that."
"Renji I-"
"Your uncle didn't die naturally, he committed suicide." Your eyes widened in shock,
"I found his body to the bottom of a cliff."
"How could you still love me? How could you still love me, after all that I have done?"
"I always have, and I always will. Nothing can change that. You hear me?" He tilted your head up to face him, you slowly nodded your head. "Yes.."  He pulled you in for another kiss, running his hands through your hair.
And so, you slowly made love.

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