{9}Hinami and Riyoko☔

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☕Chapter 8☕
Hinami and Riyoko

    You slept soundly that night since Renji was there by your side. Never in your life had you felt so protected and treasured.  It was hard to believe that the sad reality is true, Renji could possibly die because of protecting you. Both of your lives can be in grave danger since.. Renji was a ghoul and you were a human. And there is a high possibility that the rest of them can be ghouls, too.
     The rays of the early morning sunshine burned the lids of your eyes. You sat up and rubbed your eyes and yawned, "I'm assuming you slept well?" Renji asked, sitting up and bracing his back against the wall.
"Mhm, very well." You nodded with a smile.
"You going to work today?"
"Yeah, everyone needs to know I'm alright." You got up and dragged the dress off the bed.
"Where are you going?"
"To burn this, or do you wanna do this for me?"


    The rain fell endlessly that morning, since you were a child you always believed that rain was angels mourning the death of someone. 
You were placing used teacups into a platter and wiping the tables that people used and collecting the money when the bell rang. 
To reveal a woman and a child that was drenched in rain water, the little girl trembled to the coldness of the rainwater and of the atmosphere.
She reminded you of a little cub clinging to their mother for safety.
   Touka ran up to the two, "Riyoko? Hinami?" She placed her hand over the little girl's head. "She's shivering.. Kaneki!"
"Yes, Touka?"
"Get some towels so that these people can dry off, and make it quick!"
Kaneki ran to the storeroom and came back with a few bundles of folded towels, "Don't just stand there, hand me one!"
"Ah- yes, Touka!" He took one and handed it to Touka and Touka gave it the woman. Riyoko took the towel and dried Hinami's damp hair, you watched at the glass that
displayed the rainy outdoors for a few minutes then carried the tray of used teacups and carried them behind the counter to have them washed.


    Renji had just picked you up from in front of Anteiku and is now driving you home. After what happened last night, Renji promised to never leave you home alone.
"So, anything came up at work today?"
"Yes, there was a woman named Riyoko and a child named Hinami. They were completely soaked in rain, the child looked very scared."
"Do you know them?"
"Yes, they are friends of Anteiku."
"Well, I hope I get to know the both of them very well.."
Renji was thinking about you knowing the two people. You and Riyoko will be alright, but with Hinami, he was afraid that she might blow everyone's cover.

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