{19}The Missing Piece

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☕Chapter 19☕
The Missing Piece In Our Incomplete Lives

     You were wiping the coffee tables when a striking pain hit you.
"Ah!" You held your belly.
"(Name), are you okay!?" Touka stopped what she was doing and rushed to your side.
"No, no, no.. It's just a false alarm, it's just- Ooh!" You held onto the counter and crouched down to your knees.
"It's happening, the baby's coming!"
Touka pulled you up to your legs, Nishio came and fetched you upstairs and placed you on the bed.
"Nishiki, get hot water, Hinami go get towels!"  Yoshimura told them, they did as told.
"Renji, where's Renji...?"
You asked almost out of breath.
"He's on his way with Itori and Uta, he'll be here in a few minutes. In the mean while, breathe, just breathe. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale."

    Nishiki ran up the stairs with the tub of hot water and rested it on the floor, "Hey Touka I got the-"
He saw something that he was never supposed to see and fainted on the spot. Touka rolled her eyes and continued,
"Come on, almost there, push!" Touka motivated you, you screamed in pain as Hinami and Yoshimura held your hand in support.
     Yomo and Itori and Uta finally made it to Anteiku, Renji heard what sounded like a baby's cry and ran upstairs. He finally made it to the top and saw Nishiki passed out on the floor, Hinami and Yoshimura holding their hands in cold water and  Touka and the others sat their in awe of the new born baby.
   "Renji," You looked up at him with tears in your eyes and smiled, stretching out the baby to him. He looked at the baby and held it as though he wanted not a thing to come close to it.
"A healthy baby (boy/girl).." Touka said.
"Congratulations Renji, you're a father." Yoshimura patted his shoulder.
"We brought gifts!" Itori said she and Uta held up bags. Uta took out two masks from his bag,
It looked like the yin and yang sign. One had the black half on the right and the white on the left while the others had black on the upper half and white on the lower half.
"The black represents the ghoul half of you and your (daughter/son), while the white is your human half." Uta said.
"I came up with the idea!"
"Thank you, it's beautiful."
Itori then pulled out five wine bottles filled with blood and a few packs of meat.
   Renji then handed you back the newborn child and sat beside you.
"Guys, this baby that I am holding, is here for a purpose. This child will be the one to make a difference and most definitely won't be the last."
"What are you gonna name (him/her)?" Hinami asked.
"I'm going to name (him/her) (boy/girl name)." 
"What a lovely name." Touka said.
"Welcome to the family, (boy/girl name)." Yoshimura rested his hand on the new born's head.
Nishio jumped up, "What'd I miss?" Touka and the others watched him like, (¬_¬).


     You watched (him/her) in the crib as (he/she) fiddled about restlessly with (his/her) little feet.
There was a 'creek' noise you heard coming from the window, you looked up and there was Ayato sitting on the  ledge of the window.
You picked up your baby from the crib and held (him/her) protectively against your bosom.
"Oh jeez, is it wrong to see my new born cousin?"
"No, I guess not. But I still don't trust you..." You placed (him/her)
back into the crib. He got up and came closer to have a better look at his cousin, (he/she) peered up at Ayato and smiled and stretched up (his/her) arms as though saying, 'lift me up!'
"(He/she) has Renji's hair.."  He commented as he picked (him/her) up and looked at him.
He saw himself in this hybrid child, he saw it in (his/her) eyes..
Curiosity, a yearn to touch, taste, smell and feel something new.
Oh how he wished he could relive the days when he was young and carefree and incompetent.
"Yeah.." You smiled.

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