{16}Kaneki's Visit

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☕Chapter 15☕
Kaneki's Visit

   This baby had been the best thing in everyone's life, you wish your uncle was here to see what a great job you've done with sharing equality between ghouls and humans, by baring a half ghoul baby.
Uta and Itori were chosen to be the godparents, If Kaneki was here, he would've been the godfather..
Everything seems to be falling into place..
    You were sitting at a table, drinking coffee when you heard the bell above the door ring, it was Kaneki.
"Kaneki?" You gently placed down the teacup, not wanting it to break.
Roma saw Kaneki and dropped her tray with teacups and tea plates, "Roma, those things cost money, you know?" You scolded the novice.
"Yes, I- I'm sorry!"
"Just got get it cleaned up, Roma."
"A wet behind the ears?" Kaneki asked, you nodded.
"Since I began working here, I have never broken a thing. Only a table I threw at Ayato.."
"It's nice to see you again, (Name)."He came over and hugged you, "So it's true, you really are carrying a baby." He touched your swollen belly, you could feel the baby jumping for joy.
"Yeah, who new they could so heavy.."
"When is it due?"
"some weeks from now.."
"It's really beautiful what you are doing, (Name). Sacrificing you humanity for us, it's really mind blowing.."
"Well, it's the least I can do.. How did Ayato react when he heard he had a cousin on the way?"
"He didn't take it well, he said he will not accept a human aunt and a half ghoul cousin.."
"Like he forgot I'm not human anymore.."
"Where is Touka and the others?"
"Touka is writing her exams, Hinami is-"
"Kaneki!" Hinami jumped out from nowhere and attacked Kaneki with a hug.
"You've gotten quite heavy, if it isn't that I'm quite weak. How are you, Hinami?"
"I'm good, I'm going out to a book signing." She hugged Kaneki once more and left.
"Is she allowed to go out there?"
"Yeah, she can do things on her own.."
"Is Yoshimura upstairs?"
"Yes, he's supposed to be.."
Kaneki left and went upstairs.


    Kaneki came back downstairs and was about to leave.
"I guess I'll be leaving now, tell Touka I said 'hi'."
"Yeah sure, I'll see you around.."
"Yes, goodbye (Name).." He left.
   A good while after, Touka ran into the café, almost out of breath.
"Where's.. Kane-ki?"
She asked breathlessly, her hands placed on her knees.
"You just missed him, he went that way." You pointed down the street.
She ran back outside and ran down the street.

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