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☕Chapter 3☕

     That morning you packed your things into a suitcase and went to the share house, since the person who rents the share house is rarely even there, you might as well move into it. If you are going to work overtime, it's best you live closer so history can't repeat itself.
You used the keys given to you to open the door, "Hello, anyone here?"
You first went into the kitchen and saw a familiar figure making coffee,
"Mr. Yomo?" You called out, the person answered.
"What are you doing here?"
"This is my late uncle's share house, you went to his funeral just the other day."
"Oh, you're his niece?"
"Yeah, I came here a few times this week but you weren't here. I'm moving in here if, you don't mind."
"No, not at all."
"You live upstairs or downstairs?"
"I live upstairs." He replied as he handed you a cup of coffee.
"Okay, as my thanks for you saving my life last night, you don't have to pay rent anymore. Additionally, I will do the cooking, the cleaning and I'll do your laundry. Thank you so much, Mr. Yomo."
"It's nothing, but from now on I will take you home. And tell no one of that incident, alright?"
"Okay, Mr. Yomo- this coffee is good, what did you put in it?"
"That is something I cannot tell you."


"Good morning, guys!" You entered into the cafe with Yomo, "Oh, I see you two are getting along."
"He saw me at the subway and offered me a drop to work." 
"How nice of you, Yomo." Touka teased,
He simply shook his head and exited the cafe. You took the cloth from Touka and continued to wipe tables.
"I think he likes you, (last name)."
"What are you talking about?"
"You can see it in is eyes, he's lonely.." The other girl says.
"Devil Apes don't work alone.."
"He's a Devil Ape?"
"You know about the Devil Ape?"
"Yeah, I heard about them in the news but I haven't heard anything recent about them."
"Alas, somebody who knows Devil Ape!" The man cried out.
"No one knows about Devil Ape?"
"No, they don't." The girl said,
"Maybe because how long the news hadn't reported on Devil Ape."


     As promised, Yomo picked you up after work and dropped you home. You both sat in silence as he drove through the streets of Tokyo.
"So, how long have you, live in the share house?"
"About, five years now."
"My uncle raved about you all the time."
"What did he say?"
"He said you were helpful, considerate, you were like the son he never had.. things like that."
"How nice of him.. I'm sorry for your loss."
"Thank you." You wiped your tears before they fell.
"Did you raise Touka?"
"Her parents died when she was very young, I had to be the father figure in her and her brother's life after then."
"Where's her brother?"
"He went out to see the world."
"Well, you raised Touka to be a decent young woman. She'll thank you everyone so much, when she gets older. Too bad, just imagine I'm thirty, not married and have no kids."
"I could say the same.." He stopped at the gates of the share house, "You know, I feel comfortable around you. Not because of the fact that you saved my life but, you're really nice to talk to. Goodnight, Mr. Yomo."

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