{7}The Church⛪ I

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☕Chapter 7☕
The Church⛪
Part I

     You woke up early that morning and looked out at the early morning sun.
"It's a shame, innocent people can't live to see the sun rise like this. That child would've been five years old today if he hadn't-"
"You said something?" Renji asked from behind you,
"Oh! You startled me.. No I didn't say anything, just thinking out loud.."
Renji went into the kitchen to make the both of you some coffee.
You went to the kitchen a few minutes after and sat down, you were handed a cup of of coffee.
    "How can, somebody sell their own people to a bidder that is either ghoul or human?" You asked,
"Someone who's not that right in the head."
"So, if I were to be kidnapped by him and be sold to someone, what would you do?"
"I'd spend sleepless nights searching for you." "What if I was sold to a ghoul and you had to fight, how would you win?" You asked.
   "Just like how I've protected you back at the subway station, I'll do it again."
"You really are taking my uncle's will seriously, aren't you?"
"As the will stated, you and this share house was all the had in the world and he wants me to protect it. Especially you."
You smiled as you rubbed your index finger around the mouth of the mug,
"Before my uncle died, what were you doing? Did you have a girlfriend or...?"
"None of the sort. How you see me now, is how I always was before."
"Why don't you smile? You're making it look like I'm a burden to you."
"You're no burden. I just don't smile.."
"You know, smiling is good for the soul. You should try it sometime."
The ends of his lips tugged upwards, forming a little grin. He didn't think smiling was good for his soul, he thought you were good for his soul. "Aw, that's it. That's the smile I wanted to see!" You teased him, the man rolled his eyes as his smile dropped into his 'Touch me and I'll kill you and your family' frown.


       You brewed some coffee you had just made into some teacups, since you knew their recipe on making coffee, they let you work behind the counter either handling money or making and brewing coffee. Yoshimura was quite impressed on how fast you learn things, and Kaneki always comes running to either you or Touka for advice or whatsoever. But most of the time, you lie and say you don't know so he can go to Touka.
    Seeing her argue with him was so adorable, it was concrete evidence that she liked the innocent college boy.
The day flew past very quickly, you had just informed Renji that you were working overtime with Touka and the others. "And I said, 'If you don't remove yourself from my face within five seconds on counting, I promise you, it won't have a nice end result..'" Touka was talking about all the suitors she had ever since she step foot into the school.
    You all laughed heartily, "It doesn't hurt to have a boyfriend, you know?"
"Yes, it does. It affects my studies. Teenage pregnancy is the last thing on my to do list.." Touka was crazy indeed when it came to her books, that's what you admired about this young woman. Other girls think about their body and their looks, but that means nothing to Touka.


     You walked into your bedroom as you just came out from showering, you found a dress on your bed and wondered how it got there. You looked at the dress and it telling by the brand, it was very expensive. You don't waste your money on these things, so where did it come from? And your birthday isn't coming anytime soon.
"I went through lots of trouble looking for that, for you." A voice came from a far corner of the room. You gasped as you recognized the voice, it was Tsukiyama whom was lurking in the shadows.

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