{6} The Letter💌

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☕Chapter 6☕
The Letter💌

     Renji dropped you off home and drove off to Itori's to have a drink. You took a shower and let the hot water run down your back, after and entire day of standing, wiping tables, serving and making coffee had you beat up like a rag doll. You sighed and ran a hand through your damp hair, "Today is Monday, Wednesday is my day off, so it's just me and me bed."  You reminded yourself.
   You wrapped your damp hair in a towel and went to your bedroom.
You found a letter on your bed, 'Maybe it's from the Insurance Company but how did it get inside? Maybe Renji brought it in for me..'
You picked up the letter and looked at it, there was no stamp that signifies that it was sent by the Insurance Company. You opened it and read the letter


(His Address, date)

(Your Address)

My Dearest (Name),
    Please accept  my heartfelt apologies by coming out to a nice, fancy dinner at (restaurant name) tomorrow at five o' clock.
I shall see you there~

Shuu Tsukiyama.


In the envelope, there was also a rose and a pair of heart-shaped earrings.
You dried your hair and dressed yourself in a baggy sweater with stockings, afterwards you sat in the living room and awaited Renji's arrival to inform him of the letter you found on your bed.
   Finally, Renji came home to find you almost alseep. He crouched down and gently shook you, you woke up and looked at him. 
"What are you doing? Were you waiting for me?"
"Yes, yes I did," You nodded tiredly,
"For what?"  You held up the letter, he took it and read through it. He dropped it on the coffee table, "Don't go anywhere."
"I wasn't planning to go in the first place,  I just wanted to show you."
"Listen to me, if he asks you to go out with him, politely refuse. He lets you get brought by rich people, ghoul or human."
"Oh, I understand."
"How did you get this letter?"
"I found it on my bed, I just came from taking a shower and there it was. There was also a rose and a pair earrings."
"Yeah, wear them if you'd like. Get some rest, so you can wake up early tomorrow."
"Yes, goodnight, Renji."

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