{8}The Church⛪ II

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☕Chapter 8☕
The  Church⛪
Part II

   You woke up in complete darkness, your hands and feet were both tied. "Where am I?"
"I was wondering the same thing." A feminine voice said beside you.
"You got abducted, too?" You nudged your shoulder to feel where exactly she is, it turned out she was right behind you.
"Pretty much so, I'm Kimi."
"Yeah, I'm (Name). How did he get you by the way?"
     "I was walking home and I got dragged into an alley, knocked out by a scented napkin and I woke up here."
"I was just done showering and I went to my bedroom to find an expensive dress on my bed and then, he popped out of nowhere. And now here I am. But at first, he sent me a letter inviting me to lunch with a rose and a pair of earrings and I politely declined."
"That one was completely over the line. Men, always taking a 'no' for a 'yes'.."
"Tell me about it.." You rolled your eyes behind your blind fold.
    "I need not to worry, my boyfriend will come to my rescue. He'll save you, too." Kimi smiled.
"Nah, I have my own coming for me." You said, remembering what Renji said to you this morning.

"I'd spend sleepless nights, searching for you."

After those reassuring words, you knew that he was coming for you, he was probably on his way right now.
"Well, looks like we both have knights in shining armor.."
"Yeah, looks like we do.."


     Renji came home to find the place dead silent, he felt it in his gut that something wasn't right.
He dropped his bags and ran into the kitchen, you weren't there. He checked the bathroom and slid open the curtain, you weren't there.
He checked upstairs by the veranda where you like to read your books, you weren't there. He checked in your bedroom to only see your towel on the bed, he picked up the towel to see a piece of paper with a rose on it.


If you want her back, come to the abandoned church near the construction site.

See you there~
Shuu Tsukiyama


"Shit!" He took your vase from your nightstand and threw it at the wall in grave agitation. Seeing that your towel was laid across the bed, he hoped to God that he didn't molest you. Because  would be the day, that Tsukiyama would be a dead man .


"Tsukiyama!" Someone burst through the door,
"You shifty son of a bitch! Where's Kimi!?"
Kimi gasped, "Nishiki!" She turned her head to where she heard his voice.
"Tsukiyama, you're a dead man.." Renji growled, you smiled as your eyes watered behind tour blindfold.
"Renji.." You tried to get up, but it was difficult since your hands and feet were tied.


    Renji sat you down on your bed, checking your body for peculiar marks.
"Are you hurt? Did he touch you?"
"How did he get in here?"
"I came from showering and I found this dress on my bed," you pointed at the dress that was tightly fitted on your body.
"Then he- then he came out from that corner of the room."
"Did he make you put that dress on in front of him?"
"No, I woke up and I was wearing this dress."
"Probably when you were blacked out, he dressed you in, that."
"Renji-" You cried in his arms,  "I was so scared, I didn't know what to do-"
"It's okay, you're safe." He rubbed your exposed back to comfort you.
"You should put on something else to go and sleep with." Renji got up and took a robe out from your closet,  you took it from him.
"Thank you. Can you, unravel the laces at the back please?" Renji jumped at your request, but what choice did he have?
    He reluctantly untied the lace from its bow and unraveled the rest until your sleeves dropped.

ou immediately covered yourself with the robe and tied the strings at the waist.  You pulled the dress off by your legs.
"You need anything?"
"Okay you go to sleep and-" you grabbed his hand, "Wait!" He turned around and looked at you. You looked like life was drained from you, as though you've seen a ghost.
"Stay here, just until I fall asleep. Please."
He took off his coat and sat next to you on the bed, you rested your head on his lap and drifted off into sleep. And from that night Renji noticed that protecting you would risk a lot, especially since you were human. And eventually, it won't be long until you will find out that he is a ghoul.

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