{15}The Bridge Between The Two Worlds🌉

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☕Chapter 15☕
The Bridge Between
The Two Worlds🌉

For the past several days you stayed in Anteiku,
didn't want to eat because you can't eat what you normally eat, you have been vomiting like crazy to the point where you can barely walk.
"Okay that's it, something's not right, why aren't you eating? And why are you vomiting so much?"
"The only reason she can be vomiting like that if she's got food poisoning but I highly doubt that because she hasn't eaten for the past nine or ten days or either she is pregnant which is possible." The other girl said as she got off her phone.
"There's a pregnancy test in the first aid kit, go get it." Touka said as she led you to the bathroom.
   Several minutes after, the results were clear.
The two red lines signified that you were pregnant, that woman back at the Aogiri Tree wasn't lying.

"Told you there was a possibility."
"I wasn't doubting you in the first place."
"So, who's the father?"
"Call everyone upstairs, there's something you all need to know,"


"What are we up here for now?" Nishiki asked,
"This is something very important. If you don't want to be here, that's up to you."
"Coming from a human.."
"Thank you so much, Nishiki. I hope you come to the realization that your girlfriend's  a human, too-!" You were about to get up from the bed.
"Woah, easy there, big belly." Touka said as she patted your back.
"Big belly?" Nishiki was unsure at the sudden nickname.
"Okay, good day everyone I apologize for wasting your precious time," You emphasized, looking at Nishiki.
"This is really important and you all deserve to know," Renji just walked in and sat next to you.
"I'm pregnant."
"Who, how where and when?" Nishiki asked,
since he thought that you were extremely old.
"And the baby, is a ghoul."
"And who is possibly the father?" Yoshimura asked,
"I am." Renji intervened, sitting right next to you. "That's why I haven't been eating normal food and I, myself might be one as well.."
"One of what?"
You opened the drawer next to you and pulled out a razor blade, you deeply grazed it into your palm and it broke halfway.
"That answers a lot.."
"How is this possible?"
"When I was abducted by Touka's brother, I woke up in a surgery room and I was strapped down to a bed. I overheard talking in another room with people saying that I was carrying a zygote."
"The hell's a zygote?"
"Haven't you done science, Nishiki. It's a fertilized egg." Touka said.
"And they said that it has ten times as much RC cells as I have, they said to go on with the implantation of  a new stomach, since Ayato impaled mine."
"Oh, my goodness."
"This woman who was bandaged up told me that her name was Eto, and she wants this baby. She distracted me so that they can inject me with tranquilizer and go on with the implant."
"(Name), I'm so sorry." Touka said.
"I'll be alright, Touka.
I'm permanently in the shoes of a ghoul so, think of it as, a life long punishment. For discriminating and killing ghouls."
"What are you gonna do about the baby?"
"What do you mean? I'm keeping it, of course! This baby, is something special and beautiful all at one time. I know in my heart that this baby will make a change out there in this cruel world that lacks harmony. It's the bridge between the ghoul and the humans' world."
"Heads up," Nishiki threw something at you that was wrapped in brown paper.
You caught it and opened it, "Feed the ankle biter."
Nishiki said, you laughed.
"Alright then," you closed your eyes and bit down into the piece of flesh and swallowed it.
"So, how is it?" They asked.
"I'm ashamed to admit it but, it's pretty good."
They all huddled around and hugged you,
"Welcome to the family, (Name)!"
"Don't forget about Renji junior." You all laughed.

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