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Chapter 11

     For some strange reason, you felt it in your heart that someone close to you was going to die today. You placed your umbrella in your purse, even though the weather forecast didn't say anything about rain today, it isn't impossible.
"Are you ready?"    
"Oh- yes I am." You sat up and took your bag.


      You were wiping the tables when you saw Riyoko walking down the stairs with Hinami, they were headed for the door when you realized that they can't leave Anteiku unless they were with Renji or they were in different clothing than they normally wear.
"Hey, where are you guys going?" You asked,
"We're going shopping to get Hinami new books to read."
"I think you should change your clothes before you leave."
"No, that's okay, we'll be quick." She was heading out the door with Hinami and you stopped her again.
"Wait! Don't you want me to call Mr. Yomo for you?"
"No thank you, we're fine. And besides, the bookstore isn't that far, it's walking distance."
"Bye aunty (Name)!" Hinami waved you off as she left with her mother.


      Everyone except for Touka and Hinami sat upstairs in Yoshimura's office, Kaneki explained the entire situation and what he had witnessed.
You shook in your seat as tears welded in your eyes, "I knew where she was going," You started,
"She said she was going shopping with Hinami to buy her some books."
"And what else happened?" Yoshimura urged you to go continue.
"I  advised her to change her appearance and she declined, I offered to call Renji and she declined."
Your tears hung at the ends of your eyelashes and is about to fall. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault, I'm resigning." You pulled off your name tag and dashed it down on the coffee table and left the room. While you were walking downstairs to leave Anteiku,  Touka was now coming upstairs,
"Where is everyone?"
"They're upstairs."
"Where are you going?"
"I got sent home early,"
You were right about your little theory, angels do cry when people die.

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