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The hot California sun shone down on Brooke's body as she sat on her purple beach towel while she watched Ciara giggle as she ran from Diana and Hank as they tried to get the young girl's feet wet from the waves of the ocean.

She couldn't help the smile that made its way onto her face as she watched the only person in her dysfunctional family laugh and enjoy the life that Brooke never received as a child. Normally if Brooke was a lot younger possibly maybe six or seven she would have been jealous that Ciara was getting the attention from Hank that Brooke always wanted, but she was older and didn't care whether or not Hank was being the father that Brooke always wanted.

Ciara was too cute and Brooke wasn't the type of person to get jealous especially when the person was years younger than she. Plus, Brooke liked Ciara and wanted her to have the life she deserved even if it meant having a life with Hank.

"Brooke! Come over and play!" Hank yelled from down close to the waves, his feet instantly getting covered with the waves.

"I'm tanning!" Was all she replied as she returned her sun-glassed covered eyes back to the ocean her eyes strained in the darker blue part.

She hasn't been here for twenty-four hours and yet she was longing to go home. She felt awkward and out of place when she was around Hank or Diana and it made her slightly uncomfortable when Hank would place his hand on her shoulder or gave it a pat. She barely knew the guy and he was comfortable to touch her. She understood that he was her father, but he walked out and he was more of a stranger than a father.

Because of him she felt broken and always had this wall built so that nobody besides her mother would be ever to walk through it, afraid that if she put that wall down for a small second someone could walk right through and break her just like Hank did. She built this wall for protection and she was going to keep it up no matter how hard Hank tried to tear it down. She wasn't going get broken in the end like her mother. She was going to keep her head held high and count down the days until she could go back home.

Brooke felt a shadow cover her body from the blaring sun, a frown settling on her face as she removed the sunglasses and looked up away from the ocean and over towards a glaring Hank.

"What is your problem? You are acting way too cold towards Diana and I. Did we do something wrong to you?" He asks still sending her a glare.

Seriously? You're asking if you guys did something wrong to me? How about the fact that you shoved your dick inside her while you were married to my mother? Brooke thought to herself as she returned the glare to Hank.

"I don't like swimming in the ocean, plus the game that you're playing with Ciara is a game that is meant for two people." She replied to which he just shook his head running his hands through his hair that was slowly graying.

"If you didn't want to come to the beach, why did you bother even coming?"

"You and your wife forced me to come,"

Hank shakes his head running his hands down his face slowly counting to three before removing his hands the glare gone from his face. "Why don't you just go back? Diana and I will be there shortly."

As much as Brooke wanted to sit and get her California tan on, she didn't want to lay on a towel while listening to her father and Diana flirt they like were teenagers. So she did what her father told her. She gathered her beach towel, put her shoes back on and walked back towards the house. 

She didn't like that Hank gave her a demand when he had no right to give her one. Of course, he allowed her to stay in his home but he didn't have to do any of that. He's probably wanting her to thank him and want the relationship that they used to have but that was long gone. It's been gone since he walked out of her life and moved to start a new life with Diana. 

When Brooke finally reached the back door of the mansion, she stepped inside wanting nothing more than to go take a long hot shower to calm herself down and snuggle into bed while watching 'Big Mouth'. She didn't want to be around Hank anymore and just wanted to compose herself until she had to go back home but of course that would never happen, Hank got the best of her and always seemed to make her mad no matter what he did. All he had to do was breath and Brooke was fuming with anger. 

If it was up to her, she would already be on the next plane back to New York City, but because her mother already agreed with the devil she was forced to stay here. She could run away, but what good would that do? She didn't know this area nor did she have enough money to rent a hotel or cross across the world. She could spend her money on a plane ticket, but her mother would be able to see her transactions and would lock her card before the transaction could fully go through. 

A crash comes from upstairs causing Brooke to jump from where she was standing and look over at the stairs that were connected to the kitchen. 

Curious, Brooke began walking up the stairs. If it was a murder, he or she would kill Brooke and Brooke wouldn't have to deal another second with Diana or Hank and if it were a kidnapper he or she would kidnap Brooke and take her away. Either way, both ideas seemed good for Brooke and she wasn't scared just as long as this person or thing took her away from this hellhole. 

As she got closer to the top of the stairs she started hearing some singing from a deep but smooth voice that made her ears perk up. Brooke followed the voice that was drawing her in like a siren luring a pirate. 

"With the taste of your lips I"m on a ride, you're toxic and I'm slippin' under."

 The hallway was dimmed by the light coming from the bedroom that was opened ajar and Brooke moved over into the shadows so she could look inside of the room without being seen from the person inside.  She catches a glimpse of a tattooed arm that had cursive and different images that Brooke couldn't make out earning the curiosity inside of her to blare even more. 

The singing continued and Brooke couldn't help but take a step closer in hopes that she could get a glimpse of a face. It was rare for her to hear a voice this good especially since she always had her headphones in. She couldn't remember the last time she actually ever heard somebody sing this good besides when she listens to her music. It's strange. 

"Who the fuck are you?" 

Brooke jumps and turns to her left as a boy no older than thirteen steps into view his head tilted to the side and his eyebrow raised like he was looking at someone who he just caught stealing an Avril Lavigne CD at the music store. 

"I'm Brooke, Hank's daughter, you must be one of Diana's kids." She said straightening her back and looking at the boy with a blank look. 

The boy shrugs his shoulders pushing his glasses up and looks at the door that probably held his older brother in it before turning back to Brooke. "You can go in you know, he doesn't bite."

Brooke shakes her head taking a step back and gives the boy a tight smile. "I'm actually going to go shower." She says pointing her thumb behind her. 

The boy nods his head and holds his hand out giving her a genuine smile. "I'm Liam." 

Brooke takes his head giving it a shake before dropping her hand to her side. She doesn't wait for him to start a conversation nor does she start one. Instead, she turns around and quickly walks back to her room so that Liam doesn't inform Xavier that she was watching him, but knowing how luck runs in her body Liam probably already told Xavier and he probably already thinks that Brooke was a creep without even meeting her yet. 


Chapter song: White Iverson by Post Malone

Chapter song: White Iverson by Post Malone

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Finn Wolfhard as Liam 

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