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It was Friday afternoon, the day Matrix was supposed to be flying out from New York to California so that he could spend the week with Brooke and save her from killing herself. As much as she liked Liam and Ciara, she wanted to get away from Xavier and the happy couple that invited her in the first place. Maybe if Matrix saw how miserable she was here he could try and convince her mom into faking a family emergency and have her come home sooner rather than when the summer ended. 

Sighing, Brooke got up from her bed, her air pods going back into their little case. She looked over at her bedroom door that was shut and had a full body length mirror nailed to it so she could look at her final appearance before leaving for the day. She was bored out of her mind and didn't know what she wanted to do with her life at this point. She couldn't become a hermit crab and hide away in her bedroom all day because Hank would come barging in after work demanding her to spend some quality time with her family. He was really annoying when it came down to that, always forcing her to do something that she didn't want to do and making a scene with his anger issues, she didn't understand why he didn't give up already when she's been making it clear since she got her over two weeks ago that she didn't want anything to do with them but he kept coming back like a stray dog and it was really getting old. 

Maybe she should just suck it up and deal with him for the remainder of the summer but if she were to do that she was going to let the wall down that she spent years and years on making and she wasn't willing to do that. Hank hurt not only her mother but also Brooke when he left them for Dianna. Her mother told her that she would be getting closer from the past but Brooke didn't feel that way. Maybe, just maybe, if she were to sit down and have a talk with Hank about why he did what he did maybe she could put her guard down but that was hard to do when he found every little thing she did irritating and always seemed to find something to yell at her for.

A knock on the door breaks Brooke out of thought, causing her to look away from her reflection and towards Ciara who had her little head poking out from the door, a smile on her face when she noticed that Brooke was inside the room and ran to the bed wearing her Frozen swimsuit.

"Hi, Brooke!" The little year said tempting to get onto the bed with her tiny arms and legs. 

"Hi, Ciara how are you? Did you go for the swim?" Brooke asked helping her up onto the bed and sitting her down right in front of her, a smile on her face as she watches her little girl shake her head. 

"No, nobody wants to go swimming with me. Xavy has all of his friends over and won't play." She pouts crossing her arms over her chest making Brooke laugh. 

"Awe, how about this, I'll get my swimsuit on and I'll go swimming with you? How does that sound?"

A smile breaks out onto the little girl's face as she jumps up and down on the bed repeating the same word over and over again. "Yeah!"  Brooke laughs shaking her head getting off the bed and making her way to her dresser, she pulls out the only bathing suit that she bothered to bring which was just a plain black bikini that she bought because the top made her boobs look great. 

Quickly getting changed, Brooke throws on a silky robe that she bought for herself when it went on sale at Victoria Secret and picked Ciara up and carried her downstairs. She could hear laughter coming from the kitchen indicating that Xavier was in there with his friends. Brooke sighed and looked down at Ciara who was playing with the collar of her robe singing 'Into The Unknown' from frozen. 

Maybe if she walked fast enough they wouldn't see her and she and Ciara could sneak out back and swim in peace. They did sound busy anyway so maybe they wouldn't notice her? Especially if they were all laughing at something. With that said, Brooke ducks her head down and speed walk through the kitchen opening praying that she wasn't caught. 

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