her effect 7

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Your POV:

once i got home i was exhausted i got home to see matt sitting in the living room watching tv and i said hi and then made my way upstairs, i wasn't in the mood to have a conversation. I got into the shower and then got into my bed and was about to fall asleep when a heard a tweet. I looked at my phone which was on my night stand and i had gotten a text message from mara. 



hey :)




whats up


the sky, hehe

jk nmu hbu


jc, what are you doing tomorrow




lets go to the studio


like a date?


only if you want it to be one


then naw not a date


felt that one


im just kidding, its a date

my brother has a class at 6 so we just have to be out of there before then


sounds good, pick you up at 1?


sounds good 


gn bae


good night head ass

I guess i just wasn't in the mood for a conversation with matt. once me and nick ended the conversation i couldn't stop smiling, i think im really falling for this kid.

Nicks POV:

"come on bro you got her number now you got to text her!" brandon sat on the couch next to me.

"come on bro grow a pair and do it." austin screamed from his room down the hall. I pulled out my phone from my pants pocket and hit on new message and typed in bae.

"ohh i see you, 'bae'" brandon said in a girly tone

"aye yo she put it in as that and its not like bae, bae, its bae as in bailey, at least for now it is."

I typed in hey and waited for her response, now all they guys huddled around me and waited for her response as well, the anticipation was killing me, and then she responded. Zion grabbed my phone from my hands before i could see the text and said "she said hey!" and all they guys cheered. I got my phone back and we continued our conversation. By the end the guys were helping me think of date ideas and then edwin came up with the idea of going to the studio.

"aye yo why dont you go to the studio, you guys are like they perfect dancing duo!?" i nodded and asked her and she said yes and i was so happy. the guys and i cheered and then eventually we all went to bed. 

i woke up and got dressed i went down stairs ate and then waited for 12:45 to roll around so i could leave to pick bailey up. Once i picked her up we headed to the studio and danced. We were making up choreo to would you mind, and thats when there was a lot of tension. as were were dancing our eyes never left each others and eventually i just said "screw it" and kissed her. The kiss turned hot and sloppy in about 15 seconds and the next thing i know we are leaning against the mirrors making out. Both of out breaths heavy as our lips moved in sync. one of her hands was running through my hair as the other was on my torso, my hands were on her waist pulling her forward to deepen this kiss. we continued to make out and i pulled bailey into my arms and her legs wrapped around me and i pulled her into the back office. 

but then i woke up, like actually woke up, it was a dream "this girl is missing with my mind" i said quietly.

"morning nick" brandon said walking in with a cup of coffee in hand "next time your going to have one of your dreams let me know ahead of time because ill come prepared with ear plugs."

"what are you talking about?" i asked embarrassed but tried to deny what he was saying

"um i dont know maybe just you moaning baileys name thought the night, "bailey, bailes, bae!" brandon said in a breathy girly tone. I was so embarrassed to i just got up and walked downstairs, wow this girl has more of an impact on me then i thought. 

*this might be confusing but matt and bailey are siblings and they live in a house together bailey in 20 and matt is 21. they live in a house together because matts girlfriend lives at college and neither of you really want to live alone because you have such a tight bond. 

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