the kiss 10

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Your POV:

"you have a talent for this if you know it or not" brandon said

"thanks, you know i've always loved music but i'm not an exceptional singer so i kinda just stuck with dance" i fillled with my fingers as a said this

"you should really explore this talent, not everyone can write a song as quick as you did" he put his hand on my knee as he said this

"you like the song?" i questioned 

"love it" he said in just above a whisper

tension between us was growing and i couldn't help but notice brandon, like really notice him. his glasses outlined his face perfectly, his lips were just the right size, his eyes were so dreamy, and his hair looked silky smooth and was styled perfectly. before i even realized it he was leaning in and i was leaning in. and we were kiss, the kiss was soft and passionate but it only lasted about 3 seconds because zion opened the door and saw us. 

"*cough cough*" 

this shocked brandon and i and we soon broke the kiss to see zion standing at the door of the studio.

"what's going on here" he asked

"nothing" i replied

"what she said" brandon said. zion then started walking inside and closed the door behind him

"really because it looked like we guys were kissing" he said in a childish tone

"pshhhh no" brandon said trying to deny what zion saw. zion gave him and i a look 

"oh that little thing that's just a goodbye kiss" i said instantly regretting it

"can i get a goodbye kiss?" zion asked

"umm" i looked at zion them at brandon and then at zion again "ummm" i said again and at this point nick walked into the studio. "sure" i said quickly as a got up and pecked zion in the cheek and quickly began to walk out of the studio pulling brandon with me. we got to brandon's room and locked the door and i pushed him on the bed. i started paceing around

"fuck, fuck, fuck" i mumbled to myself

"why you so worried?" brandon asked as he sat there and watched me pace

"zions going to tell nick"

"no he won't"

"well nick is definitely going to ask why i kissed him on the cheek." i said in a frantic voice, and brandon looked at me trying to find the words to say

"the kiss" he said

"ya what about it?" i asked him now sitting on the bed next to him

"it was good but.." he said trailing off

"i know i know i felt the same," i said making him feel better about what he said. 

"i guess there's just no chemistry" he said

"well then i guess we will just have to settle for best friends" i said

"best friends it is" he replied and hugged me. now that i felt with this situation now i have to deal with the other including zion. i unlocked the door and reluctantly walked out the door and went back to the home studio, and there i saw zion and nick sitting there and nick looked at me and smiled. i thought "thanked zion didn't tell him". i smiled back at nick but i couldn't help but feel guilty, we weren't official we had only had one date but if his best friend kissed the girl he liked then i don't know how he would react. 

"zion can i talk to you?" i asked, and he nodded and i lead him to the pool.

"ok so about what you saw, brandon and i agreed it was meaningless and that it was just kinda an in the moment thing, so i would appreciate if you didn't bring it up."

"i understand, and i won't bring it up." zion replied

"thank you, and also thanks for not telling nick, im going to tell him because i think he should know at some point."

"ya no problem." thanked i thought to myself, 2/3 were taken care of and now nick was left. i decided to just rip off the band-aide now rather than later. i walked to nick and motioned for him to come with me and he did. we sat down and it was silent for a minute i was just trying to find the words to say. 

i started with "i have to tell you something" he looked concerned when i said this and was silent but gave me a look that said say what you need. "umm i kissed brandon, and i know we aren't official but i thought you should know" he sat there silent and t hen i continued to talk "brandon and i agreed that we are just best friends and it was an in the moment thing that won't happen again." nick stared blankly at me and i waited for his response, which i was nervous for because I've heard he is a bit short tempered. "nick?" i touched his hand because he still hasn't said anything.

"its ok" he said, but it really looked like he didn't want to say it. "although it sucks, we aren't official so you can do what ever you want, and i guess since you and brandon talked about it and agreed it didn't mean anything then its ok." he still looked sad but he put a fake smile on his face. i pulled him into a huge hug and i couldn't help but shed a tear. i puled out of the hug and nick saw the tear

"why are you crying bailey" he asked very concerned

"im such a bitch, i kissed you best friend although i have feelings for you and only you" more tears fell from my eyes as i said this his hand wiped away my tears and said "you have nothing to be sorry for" his hand was still placed on my check and his other was on my knee. i looked at him staring deep into his eyes, i moved my hands from my sides to cheek and his shoulder and pulled his face towards me and kissed him. at first the kiss was all lips but he slipped his tongue into the kiss and i did the same. his hand moved from my cheek to my hips and lifted me up not breaking the kiss, so i was straddling him. the kiss became more sloppy and i pulled away to catch me breath. once i caught my breath a little i pulled him back into a kiss, but this kiss consisted of  sequence of little kisses because neither of us could stop from smiling. 

"wanna watch a movie?" nick asked in between kisses

"lets go out somewhere" i said in between kisses as well

"ice skating?" he asked

"yes! let's invite the guys too" i said excitedly, he nodded and asked the guys. 10 minutes later we were all pilled into nicks car and were on our way to go iced skating.

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