sorry 57

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i gathered all my things from the hospital room because it had been a few days and i could go home. edwin and brandon helped me with the babies while i wheeled my suitcase to the car. i sat in the back with them while they sat in their car seats. we pulled up to the pm house and got out. "um so i'm going to need help from all of you guys to get the cribs from my house" i told brandon and edwin and they nodded.

when we went in zion and austin were waiting there. "ok we have a surprise" zion said excited. "ok?" i said confused and zion put his hands over my eyes. "open" zion said after we moved through the house. i opened my eyes to see a nursery set up in an extra room they had. "omg!" i yelled and looked at the guys who had smiled on their faces "did you guys do this?" i asked them super happy. they all nodded, "it's the least we could do" edwin said. "i love you guys" i said and hugged all of them.

we placed hannah and cárter in their cribs for a nap and went downstairs. the guys had asked me if it was ok if they invited a few friends over and i said it was completely fine, it was their house. i went upstairs to chill with the babies because i was still a little in pain from birthing two babies.

hannah cried. a lot. a shit tone. "mama i don't know what you want" i said as i rocked her, i had offered her food, changed her diaper, even singing to her but nothing worked. i heard a knock at the door. "come in" i said in between shushing hannah. "oh hey" i said once i looked up to see nick had entered the room. "hey i was just over and i heard crying so i thought i would come up and see if everything is ok" nick told me.

"yeah she's just fussy" i replied flatly. there was silence and he stood there awkwardly. "it's like we aren't even married anymore" nick remarked. "yeah right about when you said that you didn't want kids that's when things changed" i replied sassy, and hannah continued to cry. "that one hurt" nick said. "yeah it also hurt when you abandoned me" i scoffed.

"can we stop this and talk like adults?" nick said raising his voice. at this moment carter started to cry too. nick went to pick him up, i didnt want him to but i let him because hannah was still crying. we both stood in the room rocking the babies to sleep. finally they both stopped and feel asleep again. "now can we please talk" nick begged. i motioned for us to leave the room and go to brandons room. we sat down on the bed. "you going to start?" i asked him.

"ok look. i know we are married and i do love you with all my heart, i really do. but i was just scared we are so young and i wasn't sure that i wanted kids. the while reality of it scared me away. but that day in the hospital, when i first saw them i realized how much i loved them from even looking at them, i realized that i would do anything to protect them. i want to be there bailey i do, i want everything to be ok again" nick told me.

"do you think i wasn't scared too nick, that i was scared shitless and the only thing that was getting me through it was you. because i loved you too with all my heart and to be just dropped while i was five months pregnant. it broke me nick. the guys were there for me when you weren't and to think we swore to each other that we would be there through everything and we both broke those promises." i sighed. "i want you to be there too nick, i don't want them to grow up without their dad" i grabbed his hand. "then let me back in" nick said.

"i can't just let you back in like nothing happened because in all truth i'm still hurting." "in so sorry i really am i never meant any harm by it." nick said. "you didn't mean any harm by saying that you didn't want kids, towards the end of my pregnancy" i replied in disbelief because what he just said was bs. "that's not what i meant" he replied. "how do i know your not going to change your mind again and leave?" i asked him. "i promise you i won't leave again" nick said and grabbed my hand.

"you said that before" and once i said this carter started to cry. "i need time to think nick" i said walking out of the room before he could reply.

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