that in and out trip 27

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i skied down the mountain fast this time along side jack and aaron leaving behind brandon and nick because i was so annoyed. right after me jack and aaron got down to the bottom of the mountain we were met by the rest of the guys, but i was too mad that i just skied back over to the ski lift for the black diamond and got on. 

willies POV:

we were getting ready to go into the lodge so we skied over to the red hill to meet up with everyone else. we saw them ski down the mountain but bailey was going really fast and straight down the mountain and we all looked at each other worried. when she got to the bottom she didn't even look at us she just went to a ski lift and got on. we all looked at aaron and jack in confusion 

"wtf happened up there?" i asked aaron

"we saw jack, he is such a dick he made bailey fall and loose her skis and then he blamed it on brandon and nick and it wasn't even their fault and then he called her a bitch" aaron answer and the anger in his voice was very apparent 

"this kid has something coming for him for the second time" i said and all the guys nodded even edwin zion and austin even though they didn't know who jack was. 

nicks POV: 

we saw this guy on the mountain and he basically pushed bailey so she fell. i rushed over to her and asked her if she was ok and examined her to she if she was hurt, thankfully she wasn't. then this dude blamed it on me and b and then called bailey a bitch. this got aaron jack and i really mad and we were about to beat him up but then bailey told us he wasn't worth it so we just continued skiing down. what i can't get over is bailey definitely knew him, i wonder how? we started to ski down the mountain and bailey went down really fast and i could sense something was wrong even though she didn't show it before. brandon and i finally made our way down after everyone and saw the whole group talking at the bottom.

"who tf was that guy!?" i asked angrily 

"jack" cam responded

"jack?" i asked

"yeah i don't think it's our place to tell you about him cam replied and i nodded. now i'm really worried who is this guy and why is he such a dick. "where's bailey?" i asked because i noticed she wasn't there

"she went on a black diamond" willie said and pointed to the ski lift. i skied over to the bottom of the mountain and waited for her there looking for her in her red jacket and after five minutes i spotted her. she noticed it was me and skied up to me, when she was in front of me i took of my face gear aka my goggles and bandana so my face was reveled, but she didn't do the same.

"what happened back there bae?" i asked taking her hand and she looked down

"that was my ex jack" she responded and i could hear her voice crack a little. i took off her goggles and pulled down the scarf covering her face. once her face was revealed i saw her mascara running and her nose running, i immediately pulled her into a huge. 

"shhh your okay" i said as i rubbed her back and she pulled out of the hug

"i'm not even sad i don't know why i'm crying" she said

"what are you feeling?" i asked

"anger, frustration, memories flooding back" she replied i really wanted to know about him but i knew it wasn't the time

"okay let's just go home, i think you should get home and rest to clear your head" i told her

"i can't that will be all in able to think about if i do go home" she said and held my hand

"ok then we will ski some more" i responded and she nodde and we skiied back to everyone 

baileys pov: 

after nick calmed me down we skied back to everyone "some one wanna hit the double black diamonds with me?" i asked because skiing is the only way to clear my head. "yeah let's go" aaron, jack, cam, and christian said. we headed to the ski lift and i got on one with cam and aaron and christian got in one with jack. thankfully the guys knew me and my past well enough to know how i was feeling, and that i didn't want to be asked about it. we skied down and it helped me clear my head, as we skied down christian and i raced but he won. 

"awe come on i went on jumps and you didn't that has to count for something!" i complained

"fine it's a tie" christian replied and i smiled. after another 3 hours of skiing we all went into the lodge, met up with the other guys and got food. we all sat at this long tabled and took off our jackets. i took off my jacket to reveal nicks hoodie which made him smile ear to ear.

"so that's where that hoodie went?" he asked with a smirk on his face

"yes it's my favorite" i replied and peck his lips 

"i'm going to get some animal style fries and a burger anyone want anything?" i asked as i got up from the table and everyone raised their hands. i walked over to the in and out in the lodge and got in line.

"what can i get for you today miss?" the cashier asked and his name tag read liam  

"umm hi can i please get 24 double doubles and 12 animal style fries and 12 regular large fries?" i asked embarrassed because it was such a big order

he smiled and chuckled a little "is that all?" he asked kind of sarcastically 

"yes" i replied as i laughed and handed him a card. i waited for the food at the counter and once it was ready i carried three trays over to the table. "thanks a lot the help guys" i said sarcastically as i handed out the burgers and fries

"sorry" edwin said as he stuffed his face 

"ummm bailey...." zion said and i looked at him "i think this is your burger" he said and handed me the burger, i looked at him really confused but took the burger. 

"what do you mean zion?" i asked still very confused because all the burgers were the same

"check the paper on it" he said and continued eating. i looked at the paper and it said liam - (his number) i looked at it in shock and i almost choked in my food. nick looked at the paper as well and i saw his face go blank i couldn't  read what he was feeling

"why would be give me his number?" i asked confused and i could see nick still staring at the paper. i looked up at liam who i could see from from table and he smiled i looked back down at the paper. 

"idk he probs thought you were hot" bryant said as he took a bite

"well i have a boyfriend" i said and i stood up and walked over to the cashier and looked liam in the eyes 

"i'm flatter really but that guy in the tan sweat shirt is my boyfriend, and i'm happily in a relationship" i handed him the paper with his number on it and he looked very embarrassed. i walked back to the table and rested my head on nick shoulder

"does that happen a lot?" he asked and i could tell he was mad/in shock just by his tone of voice, before i could answer aaron chimed in "you have no idea every cafe, coffee shop, restaurant, store, or even walking down the street" i kicked him under the table and he said "ouch" and rubbed his shin

"yeah and remember when all of you guys had a crush on her when you met!?" cam laughed and almost choked on his burger and he pointed at bryant, chris, christian, jack, and willie

"hey hey a crush is different from thinking someone is hot" chris said defending himself and everyone agreed

"don't worry i only have eyes for you nicholas" and i kissed him on the cheek

"i know but i don't like when that happens " he replied and kissed my cheek

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