whos fault is it 37

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baileys pov:

nick and i were cuddled together in my bed, when i had a sudden urge to puke. i got out of nicks hold and ran to the bathroom and well you know. i hate getting sick its the worst thing ever, i rested my back against the wall besides my toilet and lowered my head in between my knees. i felt circles being rubbed on my thigh and i looked up to see nick sitting right besides me with a cup of water and a cloth to wipe my face. no words were exchanged but i sat on the bathroom floor resting my head on nicks lap as he rubbed my cheek and every once and a while adjusted the cool cloth on my head. i don't know what wrong with me, yesterday i broke my fever but now im throwing up and i feel so jittery.

nicks pov:

i felt so bad for bailey, i hated to see her hurting this much. i met her in the bathroom with water and a cool face cloth, because that is the least i could do. i spent the next three hours sitting on the bathroom floor with her holding her hair back, making sure she was hydrated, and taking her temperature. she fell asleep about a hour ago and i have been sitting on the bathroom floor with her head in my lap, i wish there was more i could do to help.

"is she doing any better?" baileys mom appeared in the door frame of the bathroom with a concerned look on her face

"she hasn't gotten sick in a while, im not sure about here fever but im making sure she is hydrated" i replied

"why don't you take a break and go downstairs ill get her a pillow so you can stretch your legs" she insisted and before i could answer she left to get the pillow. she came back and we replaced my lap with the pillow and i made my way down stairs while baileys mom stayed with her. i walked down into the kitchen and grabbed a water from the fridge, i sat on a barstool and just got lost in my thoughts.

bailey pov:

i woke up on the bathroom floor dazed and confused, i have never been this sick before. i stood up from the floor losing my balance a little but catching myself. i made my way to the sink and looked at myself in the mirror, i was really pale and the bags under my eyes were very apparent. i took the thermometer from the counter and took my temp, after a minute it read 102.1. then everything started to get really blurry and i lost feeling in my legs and i crashed onto the ground and everything went black.

nicks pov:

i was just about to head back upstairs to check on bailey when i heard a loud noise. i ran up the stairs to find bailey laying on the ground, blacked out. "omg bailey!" i ran over to her and put her head in my lap. "call and ambulance!" i screamed hoping someone would hear. maya came running into the room and looked at bailey and horror took over her face.

"MOM!" maya screamed and got her phone out to dial 911. i stroked baileys face and tears escape my eyes. the ambulance soon arrived and me and baileys mother.

"out of the way, out of the way! hold the elevator!" an er nurse yelled as bailey was carried into the hospital on a stretcher. i held her hand the whole way. me and baileys family followed the doctors into the rebut they wouldn't allow us in the ER room. we sat in a tiny waiting room filled with several people who were feeling just as anxious as we were. Baileys mom and dad comforted each other, maya didnt tank to any of us i guess her own way of coping, and sam and i both sat with our heads in ours hands.

"um is the family of bailey steffanina here" a doctor asked

"yes" we all stood up

"follow me" the doctor said and started to walk towards the patients rooms. he stopped at a door that read 216. "me and my team will be in in about 5 minutes to update you about baileys condition. i ran over to baileys side and grabbed her hand holding back my tears.

when the doctors are here

"bailey's condition isn't very severe but it is approaching that point." the doctor spoke

"well what are you going to do to stop it!?" baileys dad asked

"right now we are running several tests to diagnose her officially." he paused "has she been fatigued recently or had a loss of appetite?" the doctor asked and everyones heads turned to me.

"we haven't been with her recently, but nick has" baileys mom spoke

"yeah she's been tired recently, but she's showed no signs of losing appetite." i replied, it's my fault i should of noticed i though to myself.

"from my medical stand point all symptoms are leading to a form of leukemia, but nothing is certain" at this the doctor left and left us all in shock.

"cancer?" maya asked concerned. i sat in a hospital chair and ran my fingers through my hair and over my face. CANCER. CANCER. the girl that means the most to me could died because of some stupid disease. "its ok hunny" baileys mom rubbed my shoulder.

"i should noticed how tired she was, i should of known something was up" i looked down at the ground

"none of this is your fault" i looked up at her "tell me you understand that this isn't your fault" baileys mom spoke

"i understand" i replied

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