the end 49

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-five years later-

nicks pov:
"come one get in the car izzy" i told her holding her hand as we stood in the driveway.

"daddy i can't i'm not big enough" she whined and i picked her up and placed her in the car. i walked around to the drivers side of the car and got in.

"everyone buckled?" bailey asked as she turned around to check on the kids.

"yes!" - hannah (age 3)
"mhmm" - lindsey (age 5)
"ya" - carter (age 3)

i threw the car in reverse and began to drive to our destination. "why are you mad lindsey?" bailey asked her.

"i wanted to play with ben for more time" lindsey replied as she silently pouted.

"you can play with him tomorrow babes" i told her as i looked in the review mirror at her and saw her smile. after a ten minute car ride we arrived at the beach.

"ok let's go let's go!" i told everyone as we got out of the car and headed towards the beach. it was a peaceful thursday night on the beaches of california. every other thursday the guys and i would always meet up at the beach and either play sports, have a bbq, or a cookout, and the kids loved it.

"aussie!!" hannah yelled as she ran from the parking lot to austin who was on the beach.

"hannah banana!" austin yelled engulfing her in a hug. we all soon said our hellos and got comfortable on the beach together sitting around the fire. five years later and we were still as close as ever, and not much has changed. austin and ansley are engaged, edwin and zion are single, and brandon and maggie have finally made their relationship public and have been dating for three years now.

"zion can you open this?" carter whispered  to zion as he handed him a soda that he wasn't supposed to have.

"why are you whispering?" zion asked carter as he took the van from his hands

"because he's not supposed to have that" bailey said coming up from behind carter and giving the two a look of disapproval. zion and carter both looked at each other and started to run away from bailey together, dropping the can on the way. bailey and nick sat at the fire pit in the sand cuddled in a blanket as they watched the two couples and zion and edwin play with their kids.

"we did good ma" nick told bailey as he kissed her forehead

"i know we did" she smiled up at him and kissed his lips.

"mommy come play with us!!" carter yelled stopping his game of soccer he was playing with everyone.

"what about me!?" nick yelled to him

"no only mommy" carter yelled back snickering to himself.

"sorry babe he's a mamas boy" bailey said dusting off her legs and butt and running towards carter.

"daddy i want you to play soccer with us!" lindsey yelled and i ran over to her and picked her up and spun her around. "take that babe" i told bailey.

"ok what are the teams?" edwin asked.

"zion, ansley, maggie, lindsey, nick, hannah
edwin, brandon, austin, bailey, carter" nick told everyone and everyone agreed. they spent hours that night playing soccer until the kids fell asleep. bailey carries carter to the car, brandon carries lindsey, and austin carried hannah.

these nights were the best nights for this family. nothing could break this family apart.

the end

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