diagnosis 39

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Nicks POV:
we finally got baileys diagnosis, she has acute lymphoblastic leukemia, it's very rare. it's been a struggle for us all of us obviously including bailey but for her her family and friends too. today we are going to hear about baileys treatment choices, there aren't many because of how rare it is but there are a few. a doctor and his team came into baileys hospital room and me maya sam and her parents crowded by her bed.

"i'm scared" bailey said an grabbed my hand

"it's ok" i replied and kissed her hand

"the goal of induction chemo is to get the leukemia into remission. This means that leukemia cells are no longer found in bone marrow samples, the normal marrow cells return, and the blood counts return to normal levels. But a remission is not necessarily a cure, as leukemia cells may still be hiding somewhere in the body. This first month of treatment is intensive and requires frequent visits to the doctor. You may spend some or much of this time in the hospital, because serious infections or other complications can occur. It's very important to take all medicines as prescribed. Sometimes complications can be serious enough to be life-threatening. we are going to do a three part chemotherapy treatment first induction, then consolidation, and finally maintenance" the doctor spoke

"wait there is only one option?" bailey asked

"yes unfortunately because it's so rare. the good news is 80-90% go into remission after this treatment." the doctors said

"but the bad news?" sam asked

"about 40% relapse" the doctor said and a tear fell from baileys eye

"it's ok, it's ok" i said and kissed her hand "how long is this treatment" i asked

"can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years depending on how bailey reacts" the doctor said

"thank you doctors we would like a little time to ourselves" bailey mom said almost shoving the doctors out of the room. bailey started sobbing. i climbed into her bed right next to her and held her so tight. "shhh i'm here, im here" i said to her rocking her back and fourth

"let's give them some time" baileys mom said and they went out of the room leaving bailey crying into my sweatshirt.

"in sorry" bailey told me

"why?" i asked

"for putting you though this." she said

"i'm here for you, though thick and thin i will never leave your side. you have nothin to be sorry for i'm here because i love you don't ever say anything like that again." i told her

"i love you too" after about 2 hours of comforting bailey after the bad news, i went down to the cafeteria to meet up with her family.

"ohh nick how is she" her mom asked

"she is sleeping right now, she took the news not ever great but that is understandable." i pulled a chair from the table and sat down

"this is just a lot" baileys mom said and started crying being comforted by her husband.

"i think i'm going to take a walk" i said and got up from the table. i didn't know where i was going but i needed to burn off some steam. 1 hour later. i found myself walking along the streets of boston crying. as much as i didn't want to admit it i needed one of my friends here with me. i sat on the curb in the middle of no where and dialed edwins number

on the phone with edwin
edwin: hey mans what good
nick: hey man (voice cracking)
edwin: yo you good?
nick: umm i'd like to say yes but i really can't
edwin: what happened what's the news
nick: treatment is only 40% successful and is 2 years long
nick: how is she supposed to go through those 2 years of hell to only maybe be cured
edwin: i'm so sorry man but she is strong she can do it
nick: ed can you fly out
edwin: of course anything i'll book the soonest flight..... where are you right now
nick: some random street in boston
edwin: get up right now and walk back to the hospital, stay on the phone with me i need to know your safe your not in the right state of mind
nick: thanks man
edwin: no problem get walking
20 minutes later
nick: ok i'm at the hospital now thank you man
edwin: see ya man i will be there in two days

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