the ring 55

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"ok guys come in" i said loudly enough for all the guys on the other side of the door to hear. in came my ogs and the pm guys. they all awed over the two babies making faces at them and holding them. "do you have any names?" austin asked me. "actually i do" i said and i paused. "for the baby girl hannah alexys mara" i said and they all smiled and cheered hannah . "shh calm down!" i laughed. "and for baby boy carter harrison mara." the guys smiled at the name, i couldn't tell if my ogs caught on that carter was after nick but the pm guys did.

later it was just me brandon, austin, and ansley in the hospital room. ansley has saved my life, she's so good with kids and is teaching me so much. "hannah banana" austin cood to hannah as she stared at him blankly. "bshh blah boom" brandon said as he did a handshake with carter. "have you talked to nick?" ansley asked me and i shook my head no. "i know i should call him, but i'm scared."

"i know but maybe if he sees them he will change his mind" ansley shrugged. "even if he changed his mind i can't let him jump back in like everything is normal, i haven't talked to him in 2 months, i had to go through my last 2 months of pregnancy with out him" i told ansley. "i know i know, do what you want ok?" ansley said and i nodded and thanked her.

calling hubby❤️

"hey it's me"
"hey, how are you feeling?"
"i'm at the hospital, i had the twins last night."
"how are they"
"good they are healthy....."
"i know you said...what you said but um they are still your kids so you can come and see them if you would like. i'll be at a check up tomorrow from 12-1 so you can come then, only if you want to."
"um ok"

time skip to appointment

i gathered all my things that i needed for my appointment to see if i have any infections and brandon and i needed to a different room in the hospital leaving austin and ansley to take care of the babies.

it was around 12:15 when nick walked through the hospital doors. "bailey mara" he told the lady at the front desk. "168" she replied and he headed down the hallway. once he reached the room he stopped and contemplated turning around. but he entered. immediately he saw austin's and ansley gushing over the newborns. "hey" austin said. "hey" nick replied

nick walked over to the babies and austin handed him hannah. "what's her name" nick asked austin. "hannah alexys mara" austin replied and nick smiled. "i love that name" he said. "and what about baby boy?" nick asked giving hannah to austin and holding carter. "carter harrison mara" austin said and nick was in shock. she named him after me? why after everything i did?

i sat with the babies playing with them, austin and ansley had left. "you don't do much do you guys" i laughed at the babies who laid in my arms. "and that's a no." "oh hey" i heard bailey say. i turned around immediately "hey." "hey" brandon said. bailey looked at the floor and then at brandon, "hey i think bailey wants to get some rest" brandon said. "ohh yeah um yeah" i started and placed the babies in the cribs. brandon came into the room and set stuff down while bailey stood in the door way.

"i wanna talk, whenever your ready ok?" nick said to me "ok" i nodded. "you took off your ring?" nick asked me and i looked down at my left hand where my wedding ring used to be. "yeah" i went to my bag and pulled it out of the side pocket and placed it in his hand, i could see his heartbreak. "this doesn't mean i don't want to be with you, it's only temporary ok, i just need time to heal" i told him and he nodded and walked away.

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