worried sick 51

297 7 0

"hey nick!?" i called out as i stood in our pantry. no response. "nick!" i called out again, once again no answer. i knew nick had gotten in late last night but i was sure he was awake by now. "omg" i huffed to myself and made my way to our bedroom. i walked in to find an empty bed. "where is he?" i asked myself, i checked the bathroom, the closet, and the rest of the house but nothing.

i decided to call brandon to see where he was. "hey"
"hey bae what's up?"
"nothing much you wouldn't happen to know where nick is would you?"
"no we dropped him off last night"
"yeah i waited up for him, but this morning he is gone"
"the other guys say they don't know either, we will try and call him"
"ok thanks let me know"
"will do bye"

being five months pregnant this isn't the type of stress i need. i sat down on the couch with a bowl of fruit and looked at my phone, my location services for nick had been turned off by him and i had not revived any texts or calls.

it's was now nine pm, i stayed in the same place the whole day, waiting for the door to open and nick to stumble in. to be honest i was so mad that i don't even know if i want to see him, but i also need to make sure he is alright. i almost called the cops three times.

keys jingled in the front door waking me up. i sat up confused and looked at my phone it was 1 am. i got up from the couch and went over to the door and opened it to see nick standing there trying to remember which key was the house key. "thanks" he said, kissed my cheek and then walked by me. i turned around in disbelief that he had been gone for about 24 hours and he acts like everything is ok.

"really that's all i get is a thanks?" i said to him raising my voice.

"i'm sorry hey?" he replied eating strawberries that i are earlier

"where were you nick?" i asked him calmly

"at the studio" he replied

"for 24 hours" i asked him not believing a word he was telling me.

"yeah" he replied

"why did you turn off your location services?"i asked getting a bit more frustrated

"i don't know" he told me and started to make himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

"your being ridiculous" i scoffed

"how?" he replied acting all confused, i just rolled my eyes.

"i spent all day sitting on the fucking couch waiting for you to come home, i didn't have a single text saying i'm going who knows where, i couldn't see where you were! no one knew where the fuck you were nick. i contemplated calling the police and filing a missing persons report because you were gone all night last night, came home at 1 and then by the time i woke up you were gone again and now it's 1 am! your fucking crazy if you think i'm not mad!" i yelled at him and he just store at me blankly.

"i'm going to stay at the guys house" i turned around and started to walk out of the kitchen. "no don't leave!" nick said and ran and grabbed my wrist. "fine then you" i said and shook my wrist out of his grip, he didn't say anything. "that's what i thought." i sat in our closet and threw a sweatshirt, some nike shorts, and a bra into a bag, went to the bathroom to grab my things and then went back downstairs.

"when are you coming back?" nick asked me sounding concerned for the first time tonight. "hmm let me think, i'm not going to tell you and then turn off my location services and then you'll see how it feels to be worried sick about the person you love" i replied back pettily. "bae!" nick yelled after me but i got in my car and drove away.

"woah what are you doing here?" brandon asked me. "nick finally came home" i said and rolled my eyes while i dropped my bag of things. "you staying the night?" he asked me and i shook my head, " i can't be around him right now it's too much stress for the babies and i" i replied and he nodded. i made my way to nicks old bed and passed out immediately.

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