the end 61

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"come on let's move move move" i yelled through the house playfully as carter and hannah rushed out the door with their lunch boxes. "mamas you too!" i yelled and soon bailey walked out the front door. bailey helped the kids get buckled up in the car and hopped into the passenger seat. i hopped in the drivers seat and looked at my beautiful family.

"are we ready!?" i asked excited and hannah and carter cheered and kicked their legs. i turned to bailey to see her shaking her head and laughing at me. "what i'm excited!" i told her and started to back out of the driveway. today we were going to a huge water park and i was pumped, all the guys were meeting us there too.

we arrived and bailey and i got out of the car to get hannah and carter. "do you wanna do swimming babes?" i asked hannah and she shook her head repeatedly. i grabbed baileys hand as she held carter with the other and we got in line to be let in.

"hey where are you guys?" -bailey
"we are near the splash pad... near the yellow beachball thingy" - cam
"ok we are coming now" -bailey

i hung up the phone and we made our way over where they were. once we saw them hannah sprang out of nicks hands and ran to austin. "ok i see how it is" nick said hurt. i kissed him on his cheek and said "it's ok bb." but soon enough carter did the same thing to willie. "that's my boy" willie said picking up carter and dapping him up, yes my three year old knows how to dap someone up.

myself, nick, austin, zion, chris, and jack all played around in the splash pad with hannah and carter who were by the way having a blast. everytike i turned my head hannah was laughing and carter was throwing water at one of us and then running when we tried to catch him. nick came up behind me and picked me up. i grabbed his hands as they grabbed my waist and laughed, "what are you doing!?" "nothing" nick said casually. "put me down!" i insisted as u laughed some more.

"ok" nick replied and walked over to the pool. "no no no" i said but nick dropped me into the pool. once i got to the surface i saw nick and everyone else standing there laughing at me. "your dead!" i said. "ohh shit!" carter yelled. "NO do not say that!" i yelled at carter. he had picked this up thanks to zion who can't keep his fucking mouth shut around kids.

"ohh shittt" hannah said over exaggerating it. "stop do you want to go in time out?" i threatened and she stopped and turned and ran away followed by carter and then all the guys leaving nick and i there alone. nick hopped into the pool next to me and hugged me burying his head in my neck. i rubbed his head and kissed his cheek, thankfully we were alone in the pool. nick lifted his head from my neck and kissed my lips repeatedly until the last one. "nick not here" i said into the kiss. "why we are alone" nick said pulling me further into the water. "cause" i replied and kissed his lips quickly again and rested my head on his shoulder.

"ugh" he replied. quickly i pushed him under water surprising him. "what was that for!?" he asked surprised. "throwing me into the pool" i replied and smiled at him a cheeky smiled.

bailey and nick met up with everyone else and saw them eating lunch together. bailey wrapped a towel around her kids and sat across from them to eat lunch. all of them crowded at a picnic table eating their food. well hannah and carter played with theirs while they ate it. i rested my head on hicks shoulder and kissed his shoulder.

"we got fucking beautiful kids" i whispered into his ear. "thanks to you" nick replied and kissed my cheek.

the end

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