surprise pt2 23

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Your POV:

today was saturday i woke up very late this morning by the time i got down stairs for breakfast it was eleven am and everyone was gone except aarons bedroom door was still closed. i walked into the kitchen to see the remains of a waffle breakfast, i grabbed a waffle and some fruit and scrolled through my social medias while i enjoyed breakfast. i decided to post a picture on instagram too. 


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liked by bryant, codyko, jordynjones and 300,032 others

tagged: bryant

baileysteff: decompressing 

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i decided that i wanted to disable the comments because i really missed nick and i dont think i could handle any hate. after i ate i cleaned up the kitchen and picked the air bnb a little because tomorrow was our last day here which made me sad. aarons door was still closed which meant he was still sleeping and i got a little worried so i decided to check on him. i walked to the door and knocked, no response, and again i knocked no response. "im coming in" i said as i slowly and quietly opened the door to find a dark room. i looked in the bed to find a body lying down. "aaron are you ok?" i asked in a hushed tone as i stood by the door. "aaron your scaring me" i said walking closer to the bed at this point i thought he was dead. i walked the the bed side and poked his side "aaron are you alive?" i asked, once again no response so i pulled the blankets off of him. what i saw brought me to tears. "NICK!!!" i screamed and jumped on the bed hugging him, more like suffocating him thats how hard i was holding. "i missed you so much nicholas"

"i missed you too bae" we released from the hug and i sat on his lap wrapping my legs around his back and he kissed me repentantly.  i snaked my arms around his neck and kissed him again this time longer but he broke away and cleared his throat and pointed to the closet. out walked 4 guys once i saw the guys i got up and hugged them all too i was so happy to have all my best friends in one place. 

"so how did you get here?" i asked nick as we sat on the couch in the living room while the guys unpacked. 

"cam twitter dmed me and said you have been a little down because im not here, so he thought it would be cool if me and the guys came out to surprise you" nick replied as he rubbed my thigh. 

"i love you" i said as i kissed him

"i love you too" he replied

"and i have the best goddamn friends ever" i added and nick smiled. about 2 hours later we were all just chilling around the house when the other guys came in. i imminently went up to them and hugged them and said "you guys are the best, thank you" and they replied with smiles. "were going out tonight and everyone is coming" christian said.

"were not old enough" i said pointing to aaron, jack, brandon, edwin, zion and i. 

"that's why we have these" christian held up 6 fake id's one for me, edwin, brandon, zion, jack and aaron. 

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