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i looked back at the ending of this book and i don't like it so i'm going to restart the ending from where bailey told nick she was pregnant

"so i've got news for ya" the doctor told us as he swiveled on his chair. nick and i looked at each other worried and grabbed each others hands. "could be good or bad depending on how you look at it, but your having twins congratulations!" the doctor said excitedly. i looked at nick and smiled, but he wasn't smiling. "i'll leave you two alone to discuss, you can let your selves out" he smiled and walked out of the room closing the door.

"are you not happy?" i asked nick sitting up from the bed pulling my shirt back down. "no, no im excited." nick replied and took a deep breath. "then why are you acting weird?" i replied. "i thought one baby was going to be a lot, but now two?" nick rubbed his face, "but i'm happy, very" he replied and grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room.

pm bois
bailey: i need to talk to one of you guys
edwardo: i'm listening
z: me too
b: same
porter: you have my undivided attention
bailey: have you guys noticed something up with nick?
z: he been kinda weird lately now that you mention it
porter: like a little on edge
bailey: ughhhh
b: why?
bailey: can you guys just come over
edwardo: be there in five

"heyy!" edwin screamed as he entered nick and i's house "where's nick" he asked pulling me into a hug. "sleeping upstairs" i replied and lead them into the living room. it's been a month since we found out that we were having twins and we still haven't told the guys and our families, just because we wanted to do it at the gender reveal.

"what's up b?" austin asked me. "nick and i went to the doctors to check up on the baby a little less then a month ago...we found out it's twins." the guys all looked at me shocked. "li-like two babies?" zion asked. "like in you?" brandon continued. edwin sat there staring at my stomach while austin was the only one to hug me. "congrats bae!" austin said. "see look! that's the exact reaction nick had" i said pointing to edwin, zion, and brandon.

"now ever sense i can't help but wonder if he is regretting having a kid, well kids with me" i looked down at my stomach and then back up at the guys. "never in a million years" brandon said confidently. "he loves you way too much" edwin said and i laughed a little. "but you know what they say, if you love it let it go" i tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and couldn't help but cry a little.

"shhhh" austin said hugging me, "trust me we know nick better then his own parents. he loves you way to much to let you go" austin rocked me back and fourth until i could pull myself together. "thank you guys, really" "bae who's here!?" nick yelled from upstairs, probably just waking up. "the guys" i replied and saw him walk down the stairs putting a black tank top on.

"hey" he kissed my forehead and then greeted the guys. he walked back to me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, and at that moment he noticed how slightly glossy my eyes were from the few tears i shed. he pulled me into our entrance way and studied my face, "what's wrong?" "nothing i'm fine" i replied and smiled. "tell me what's wrong" nick said. "in completely fine" i replied. "i know you bailey your not fine" nick replied and i just looked at him. he then said "ayo guys we will catch up with you later" the guys understood why because of our earlier conversation and left quickly.

"now really tell me what's wrong" nick pleaded as he lead me to the couch. "nick" i replied in a hush tone. "no bailey i'm not giving it a rest until you tell me" he replied. "fine, i just couldn't help but think that you were regretting starting a family with me?" "why?" nick replied sounding offended but also conceded. "i don't know, you haven't been acting your self recently." i shrugged my shoulders. "bailey this is the best thing that's ever happened to me" he told me sincerely. "really?" i asked him and he nodded.

"i'm sorry for acting weird, it's just a lot to take in" nick told me. "it's ok i'm just happy your happy" i kissed his cheek and then his lips.

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