13- Fake Feelings -13

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   After last night I didn't want to get up. I was so shook by my own actions. Do I like him or am I tricking myself? I must be tricking myself. God damnit.

   I groaned slightly; Rolling over and looking at the window. The lock was still broken. Idiot hasn't even bother to try to fix it. I looked over at his bed, noticing him missing. He must already be awake.
   God what time is it anyway...I picked my phone up. 10:30AM... I think I slept in. I'm still not used to getting more then two hours of sleep. 
   I got up and threw one of my shirts on. I left the room and yawned.
  "Morning," Tom said, his voice was avoidant. He was on his phone.
   "Morning..." was he just going to ignore last night? The energy was awkward and tense. It was silent. "I'm...sorry.." I wouldn't look at him.

  "Don't apologize, you haven't done anything yet." He kept looking at his phone. Like it wasn't a big deal.

  "Tom... I try to kill you, then I try to confuse you...then ...last night-"

  "If it had been any other night I would let you keep going.."  He mumbled, I missed his words, not hearing them.

  "What...?" He laughed at me.

  "I said it's fine..." His voice trailed. I sat on the couch next to him, looking over at his phone. He was texting. I quietly stopped myself from staring at the screen, that was rude.

  "Go put pants on dumbass." Tom glared at me. I rolled my eyes,

  "Fuck pants man." I laughed. He cracked a smile, but  he firmly pushed me off the couch. I got up, walking to the room as I threw on one of my many grey pairs of pants.

  "Tord?" He shouted from the other room as I was pulling my pants up. I walked back into the living room, tilting my head and asking 'what?'

  "I'm bored...do you want to like... go do something today? Like—literally anything?"

  "Like...a date...?"

"No Tord, why do you need make it weird? I just want to do something!"

  "Then go ask Edd..."

  "Ugh, god you don't get it do you? Your so oblivious, for seeming very smart you're really fucking slow sometimes, you fucking know? Just come fucking do something with me today. That's all I'm asking."

"Tom...last night-"

"God can we stop talking about last night? I really don't care. Last night happened, weather you like it or not now let's fucking decided what to do today.

"Maybe we should just...stay home..." I awkwardly put my arm around him, causing him to twitch away from me, moving to the other side of the couch.

"what are you doing?" he asked, pulling his legs up onto the couch.

"I'm just- I- god.."

"silly..." he leaned closer to me, smiling a bit. I blushed and looked away from him. He pulled my face to his. "Let's have a real kiss this time." He leaned into me, putting his lips against mine and putting a decent amount of pressure into the kiss. I didn't kiss back, I sat in awe. I was so confused, and that confusion slowly became rage as I slapped his face hard away from me.

"d- Don't fucking touch me!" I hissed. He sat back on the couch, his expression shocked and confused. I pulled my hood over my head and began pouting on my side of the couch. I got up and threw my shoes on, anger still biting me.

"Where are you going? Tord I'm sorry I ...I thought that's what you wanted.." he sounded so disappointed and it pissed me off.

"What I wanted? Fucking disgusting. I hate you. I'll always hate you. You're nothing to me, Tom. I'm fucking leaving. I might come back I might not. I don't care. Bye." I slammed the door shut, leaving the apartment. I stood in front of the door for a bit. I didn't want to leave them behind. I'll be honest I was becoming attached. I felt a soft tear roll down my face, and the door to Toms apartment opened as the smaller man lunges himself at me, tackling me to the floor. I let out a strong breath as I became winded from the fall.

  "Damnit Tord. Come on let's just go inside and talk this out." He gently pushed his hands through my hair, I smacked his hand, becoming irritated.

  "I thought you didn't want to talk about our relationship, Tom." I spat out. He stared at me quietly.

  "Relationship? Tord. You need to chill out."

  "No I fucking don't. I'm calm as fuck. You're the one on top of me trying to talk about feeelingssss or some gay shit." My voice pricked with hate.

  "We both know you're super gay." He rolled his 'eyes'

  "SO ARE YOU!" I tried to sit up, but failed with the small amount of weight on top of me.

  "No shit fuckwad." He leaned down and kissed me again; but this time, I was going to fight fire with fire. I shoved him off me, attacking him and kissing him violently. His eyes fluttered in confusion, but he kissed back, rubbing his hands through my hair. I was straight up making out with him, tongue and all, as he brushed his body against me. I was on top of him now; and I loved being in control like this.

  "T-Tord we are in the hallway-" Tom said as I paused to catch my breath.

  "And¿ public make outs are hot." I smiled at him and he gave me a disgusted look.

  "That's really fucking... dirty....Tord..." he didn't say it negatively, almost lustfully. He gently pushed me off him and sat up, sighing gently and staring at me.

  "God Tord you're so rough with kisses, I hate to see you in bed." He shook his head and laughed softly. He stood, offering me a hand to stand with him, which I did. We took a moment to look at each other without realizing Edd and Matt were in the hallway, and they had just seen everything...

~Fake Feelings~ (TomTord)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now