15- Fake Feelings -15

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I woke up with a small figure in my arms. Tom, I held him close, his breathing gentle. I brushed my hands through his now messy hair, urging him to wake up. He slowly stirred, lifting his eyelids and yawning.

"Tord?" He asked, leaning back into me.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"We.. fell asleep together?" He asked. I tightened my grip on him.

  "I guess we did." I had an urge to rip the knife out of my pocket at that moment, and stab the smaller man. I could see the blood. The sudden fear and betrayal in his face. It almost turned me on thinking about it. But no, I couldn't do that. Not when he's being so innocent. So sweet. I couldn't hurt him if I tried.  He sat up, pulling away from my arms. The sudden thought of bloodshed shook me. Was I really that horrible?

"Tord?" Tom asked, his voice sweet

"Yeah?" I said kind of quickly, being pushed out of my gruesome thoughts. I smiled as I rolled onto my back, I had been shirtless.

"I think I love you..." his voice trailed. I smiled softly. Everything was going according to plan. Although, I don't think me falling in love with him was part of it, I'll get over it soon. Soon he'll become boring like all my other relationships.

"I love you, too." I said, not fully knowing if it was true. He kissed me, and I kissed him back. His lips were so soft, his entire body was soft it seemed like. I let him sit on top of me as we basically made out. He gently shifted down to my neck, he was attempting to leave hickeys I assume. I giggled, he was struggling to be dominant. I purred gently as he tried to leave small bruises all over my neck. He was cute, I had to admit that. In an intimate setting he's so..submissive. It makes me feel powerful. He gave up and rolled off of me back into the covers. 
    I rolled over and put my arms around him. I wanted to keep him with me for as long as possible. Maybe I'd get bored of him faster.

  About five minutes later, Edd came crashing through the door. I had fallen back to sleep and was awoken by his loud entrance. Tom shoved me off of him quickly,

  "Tom, what the fuck- oh hi Edd" I smiled,

  "Get dressed you guys! I wanted to take us all out to breakfast," he smiled slightly, I nodded and looked at Tom, he nodded as well. Edd left the room, shutting the door behind him. I smiled and got up. Finding my clothes on the floor. I threw them on, and looked at Tom who had been staring at me.

  "You know, you can undress me anytime you like." I said flirtatiously. He blushed and looked away from me, putting on some ripped jeans and his hoodie. I was a little offended that he had ignored me but whatever, I made him blush.

  We left the apartment and knocked on Edd's door, he obviously opened it and we all piled into the hall and headed into the elevator. Matt was holding Edd's hand, and I'm beginning to think there's something going on between those two. But whatever, none of my business. We got out of the elevator and headed for the car.

Time skip to the restaurant or somethin

I sat across from Tom, and Edd sat across from Matt. We all waited for our waitress to appear. I smiled and tilted my head at Tom, he had ripped up a small piece of napkin and was now making something out of it.

  "Origami?" I inquired. Tom nodded silently. Our waitress showed, and I gotta admit she was a 10/10.  Her name tag said "Jessica" so I guess that was her name.

  "Can I get you guys started off with drinks?" She gave a fake smile, and her voice was high pitched and kind of scratchy sounding. Her hair was blonde and dyed red/pink at the tips of her long ponytail.

"Can I get a water, beautiful?" I leaned my hand against the table and rested my face on it casually. She giggled slightly and nodded.

"Iced..tea.." Toms words came out a little slow. He sounded irritated.

"Cola please!" Edd smiled cheerfully. When he's in a good mood you can really see it. Matt asked for just water, which is weird. Maybe he's trying to watch his weight hah. As soon as she left, Tom glared at me.

  "What the fuck was that Tord???" He sounded mad.

  "What do you mean she was cute-" I did know why he was mad, but it's not like me and him are serious.

  "Ugh fuck you." He looked back down at his origami. I tilted my head again.

After a few minuets she came back with our drinks, handing me mine last. She handed me a piece of paper with it, and then took our orders. I smiled slightly, it was her phone number.

"Yooo guys, I just got her number-"

  "Good for fucking you bitch. You're a massive douche you know that, right?" Tom looked almost like he was about to cry, and I felt a little bad.

"Five weeks," Edd said after sipping his cola.

  "What?" Tom growled out.

  "I added another week that Tord is here because you complained, did you forget that was going on?" Edd smiled at Tom. Tom looked out the window next to our booth.

  "Tom wanna talk about it when we get home?" I blurted out. It was weird to say something like that. He looked at me, than at Edd, and then back at me, nodding slightly. I guess I was kind of being a massive douche by flirting with the waitress.

Time skip

As soon as we got home Tom began dragging me to his apartment to talk. I let him drag me all the way there and into the room. He motioned for me to sit on the bed with him. I did.

  "You said you loved me, and then you proceeded to hit on our waitress and get her number?" He was looking away from me. I felt bad. Maybe I shouldn't have done that..

  "I'm sorry Tom, I didn't mean to hurt you I'm just- not used to being in a relationship like this-"

  "What? Have you even ever dated someone??"

  "Well yes...but I've always been in non-committed very open relationships." I responded. He nodded. We were silent for a moment. I felt him wrap his arms around me gently.

  "I'm sorry. I'm clingy and selfish.." he whispered. I smiled,

  "No you aren't, it's my fault." I pet his hair as we both lean back and lay down on the bed.
1144 words. Ah, an update. How interesting. ;^3

~Fake Feelings~ (TomTord)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now