3-Fake Feelings-3

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It's Stuck—

    Entering their building through the front door was alien to me, there was a receptionist sitting at the desk, but I already knew what floor they were on and everything. I went into the elevator, pressed the third-floor button and waited.
The elevator door opened, and without thinking I tried to run into the metal box, instantly slamming into someone. I fell backward onto my ass,

"Ow- fuck-" I suddenly felt someone lifting me up by my collar, I choked. I was pushed against the wall as the elevator doors closed. I took a quick look at my attacker, but honestly, I really didn't need to.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Commie?" Tom's speech was slightly slurred, he was drunk.

"Gonna go fuck shit up-" I was shoved harder. I was bigger than him but I didn't really want to fight back. If I did it wouldn't matter, he wouldn't remember it. He's drunk. I coughed into his face, playing along to his drunken rage.

  "Shut- shut it commie-"

That was the elevator again. Tom dropped me, but the elevator didn't open. He leaned into the wall tapping his foot. Then slid down against the rail and sat on the floor.

"It's stuck..."


"Yeah.. this *hic* elevator breaks aaa-a lot."
I slowly slid down the wall parallel to the drunk. I'm stuck in an elevator with my drunk enemy for who knows how long.

"Shouldn't we press the alarm button or some shit??" I hissed out. He shook his head, hugging his knees and silently started to cry.
Fucking great.
He's drunk AND emotional.

"It doesn't work," He coked out, sobbing softly. I rolled my eyes. I didn't feel empathy for him, he's pathetic.

"Come on, just call Edd or something-"

"He took my phhhone. Why the fuck *hic* areee you even bbback anywayy — we doont-"

"Because I wanted to say that I'm



"..." silence.


"..." silence. "You aren't sorry." He barely whispered. I stayed quiet, I wanted to see what he would do. "Wh-y- have you beeen watc*hic* watching me? Yo-u—"

"Because I miss you." I lied. Honestly, I just wanted to observe him, see how to act, see how I could persuade him into liking me. The fact he was drunk actually helped. If he was sober, one of us would probably be dead.
I watched his expression closely, his brows furrowed and he seemed to be confused or thinking. When he was drunk it was hard to tell.

"Yo- you missed me?" He began to cry a little more, shoving his hands into his face. I gave him a warm smile, pushing closer and putting my arm around him.

"I don't want to be forgiven, Tom." That was true, because I had nothing to apologize for. He should apologize to me. I suddenly felt the weight of being stuck in the elevator, I pulled my arm away from him and waited. "How long do we need to wait to leave?" I asked, pushing myself away slightly. This was annoying, fake empathy was irritating.

"Until someone on the outside wants to go up or dowwwn stairs *hic*" He looked up at the top of He elevator, an uncomfortable silence followed. I knew that he really wouldn't want to hurt me while he was drunk, he'd just be confused for a bit. He was still hugging his knees, crying. I wanted to ask why. He seemed to cry a lot when he's drunk for no reason.

  "Tom...? Why are you crying."

  "Because I missed you, too. I-I'm sorry.."

  "Why are you sorry? I didn't ask for you to-"

  "Because I'm fucking drunk and I fucking miss you. Fucking take it Commie." His voice came out harsh. I sat for a second, thinking about a response.

  "Ok.." I said quietly. I felt a slight jerk as the elevator began to move. I stood up, ready to get-the-fuck out of here!
I was ready to leave, thank god whoever pressed the damn button was on the third floor. The doors opened slow. I noticed Tom had also stood up, but he was leaning against the railing. I waited next to him. Doors opened all the way, and-

I'm Free!!!

   Who pressed the button? Probably some stupid kid that thought it was funny. I left the elevator, ignoring Tom, who wanted to go back down to the lobby I guess. I stood at Edd's door, waiting quietly.
     I was nervous, or I didn't know what to say. Edd has always been kind, but he isn't stupid. He won't fall for my shit again. I hesitantly knocked. I was acting pathetic, shaking nervously and having an urge to bite my nails. Pathetic pathetic pathetic. You are not weak, you are not weak. I kept repeating it over and over again in my mind. My mask was slipping, I was slipping. I felt like I was about to pass out. Would I pass out? From being nervous? My vision became slightly blurry, that's all I remember before I passed out.

     Why is it so dark? Where are they? Where's Tom? Am I dreaming? No, this isn't a dream.. is it? Why am I here? Why-why-why—
I told y'all Tord was a sleepy boy :3

~Fake Feelings~ (TomTord)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now