тшеитуsiж: serving time

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after dinner. Detention.

"How must you always find a way to come here?"

"What ever do you mean Professor I never get detentions". I sarcastically mumbled, sitting at a desk, my head down. "Very funny. Now for your punishment of blowing up my file cabinet with your- abomination elixir, start cleaning my backroom please". He ordered. I lazily got up and looked around. "You have a backroom?" I asked, he rolled his eyes into oblivion and pointed me to a door behind some clutter and bookcases. I nodded and walked towards it. I went to jiggle the knob until I was abruptly shoved away. "It's locked". He stated and began going threw his keys. "Hopefully you'll leave your sarcastic remarks with the remaining amounts of your pride". He muttered and opened the door for me, I walked passed him. "Unfortunately I think I'm drained today". I commented. Just some eye to eye, passive aggressive banter. Normal with a teacher like Professor Snape. Whom I was forgetting he was ever my friend. I looked at the backroom which was covered with clutter, all sorts of crap on the ground. Empty dusty bottles, messy viles, broken glass, cobwebs, some unknown green liquid on the ground.. I really wished I hadn't messed up making that variety version of Amorentia.. this sucked. I looked to Snape expectantly hoping he was kidding but he just stared down at my cheekily, and raising an eyebrow. "Here's some supplies. Get to work L/n". He handed me a yellow bucket with cleaning materials. "Yipee can't wait". I mumbled, sarcasm laced in my tone. I sighed and Snape walked off to do his own business. I turned a flickery light on and started walking into the backroom. What happened here? It was awful, disgusting really. Did someone die here? It smelt like wet blankets in here. I noticed even vines growing in. I started off taking out the mini broom from the bucket and sweeping the broken glass, didn't want to get myself hurt get now would I?

After a few hours of cleaning I finally got most of it done, I'd thrown out all the damn broken stuff, put everything in a designated spot and it was looking good! Just some dusting and sweeping and I should be done.

Snape had told me to not go snooping though, which only compelled me too. Once he said he was out for a bit I opened up a mysterious black closet, finding well, completely nothing. It was just empty, I looked it up and down until I saw something absolutely terrifying.

a centipede. I screamed and threw the duster towards it, I missed, I knocked over a jar backing up as a few more bugs crawled out. I feared scary bugs, I liked most bugs. But centipedes, roaches, UCK. "What's going on in there?!?" I heard footsteps coming forth. I panicked and quickly shut the closet, hoping he wouldn't catch me snooping. I picked up the duster and shook it for any bugs hiding in it. I quickly acted natural and faced him. "Nothing! But I'm done". I muttered out. "I suppose you should leave that glass to me, seeing as I see you in class everyday, you'd get sent straight to the Hospital Wing in the first ten seconds". He muttered and gestured towards the door. Hmph, he thought so lowly of me. It made me hurt inside, but I suppose I couldn't do much. I nodded and set down the duster in the bucket and headed out. At least I'm serving detention before the dance, rather than during the dance. I was looking forward to it, I honestly was too excited. Cassidy had talked about her dress all day, and even during bed, I ended up falling asleep while she talked to me. It was kind of annoying but adorable too. My dress had arrived but, I felt self conscious, Cassidy said I looked great. But I don't know.

"Where do you think your going?" I heard a voice strain from behind me. I slowly turned around before I could make it towards the door any further. Snape confusedly watching. "I said leave the glass to me, not leave the classroom. This isn't all". He started, and began walking towards me, holding the dust pan and throwing the glass shards into the trash, then setting the duster aside. "Oh greaaat. What's next". I sighed. "I wanted to only speak with you about something". He learn against his desk and ushered my over, I obliged and sat on the table across from him. "This inappropriate business of thinking of things about your, teacher?" He stared off smacking his lips quietly. I felt myself scream on the inside. Why did I try so hard to get back at him? Why? Why couldn't I just let him win! He must think I have this gigantic crush on him! This stupid puppy love even! I felt my cheeks heat up and I stared hard at the ground wishing I could scream and defend myself. He wasn't going to give me the You can't be attracted to me it's against the rules speech. Was he? I played with my hands nervously and he stared hard at me. "Look at me". He ordered and I obeyed. "It cannot go on. If it is what I think it is.. just, you must channel that desire elsewhere". He said trying to be nice about it. But also superior. I cringed and bit my lip. "Great. I understand, is that all? I need to go". I mumbled. "Glad you can come to terms with it. Off you go, get out". He gestured me off and I walked away, feeling like a heartbroken puppy with its tail between its legs. Awesome. Now he thinks I'm attracted to him. When you have a crush, your crush isn't supposed to know!

I walked into the Slytherin Common room and plopped down on a couch huffing. This sucked. I saw Cassidy prance over to me, bubbly and happy as usual. "Hey Y/n! You look down". She started and plopped by me. "I am". I mumbled. "Alright what happened". She laughed quietly at the end to try and get my mood up. "Professor- mm.. nothing". I said and shrugged, I couldn't tell her. There was a possibility of her telling. Or being freaked out, or disgusted. "Well okay... Draco is just.. amazing by the way.. he seems to have more interest in me than... speak of the devil". Cassidy began looking to the right and so did I, seeing Brian come over smiling expectantly. I waved. He was usually apart of our group. It felt strange to kind of, exclude him. "I think I'll be going now". Cassidy said and ran off. I sighed and then began to groan loudly and pulled at my face irritably. "She's been avoiding me, what's going on?" He asked. "That's not my information to tell". I turned on my side and closed my eyes. "Oh.. I see, well tell her I want that to stop, I miss hanging out with her". I heard his footsteps slowly disappear and adjusted my position getting myself much more comfortable. I'll just rest my eyes for a few minutes..

time skip. seven hours later.

I felt someone shaking me, whispering quietly to me. "Let's get you to your dorm, get up". I heard a demanding voice, I felt suddenly awake and jolted up, looking around frantically. I turned my head to see Professor Snape looking down at me, annoyed. I groggily sat up. "Shit". I whispered. "Go to your dormitory". He demanded. "Alright alright give me a minute". I mumbled and rubbed my eyes slowly sitting up. "Also.. I really should think, you should fix your clothes". He muttered avoiding all eye contact and any physical contact with me. I looked down at my clothes noticing my skirt was up and showing off my white underwear and my shirt was slightly unbuttoned. My face turned beet red and I quickly sat up facing away from him and pulling my skirt back down, buttoning my shirt up. I was a rough sleeper. My mother told me when I would sleep with her as a toddler she'd wake up with bruises and most of my clothes would be ruined or something.

Guess that didn't stop. "Goodnight Professor". I muttered and passed him. I heard no response causing me to roll my eyes. The less I got from him the more I wanted him and it was a burden.

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