seveитутшо: a cold feeling

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"Harry I appreciate you but your only
making my arm burn from the friction".

Harry grit his teeth as he scrubbed my fore arm with the sponge. It's been another few days, and the pain was only getting worse. My arm would start to sting and burn at sporadic times of the day, and it was becoming more and more frequent. But it did not hurt too bad, but Harry seemed to be frustrated about it. I sighed. "Give it up, I can handle the pain anyway". I pushed his hand down and took it into mine forcibly.

"I'm really going to be okay". He looked at the floor and sighed, resting himself.

There were moments of silence and I let my hands fall away from his. We sat in silence and in deep thought. The summer had been gloomy for awhile now, something just didn't feel quite right.

"Harry, I need to go to the bookstore". I stated, it was true. That's what I had on my to-do list. He sighed, he looked glum. "Want to accompany me?" I rose an eyebrow at his sad figure. He suddenly smiled and nodded. "Let's go". I quickly hopped to the floor, stuffing my feet into my shoes.


I carried a small book bag and held the door open for Harry. "Suppose we should go out for school supplies soon?" Harry asked in thought and headed inside, I tread behind him. "Soon? Yes, now? No". Harry smirked and looked around the bookstore. "Ah, nice interior, lots of shelves, definitely a book store y/n".

I started to laugh, what a dork. "Shut up". I brushed past him with a grin, I went up to the receptionist desk and waited for a the blonde librarian to come back. "Here you go".

Hm, nice interior, I looked around with a hardly noticeable frown of fright. Sounded familiar.
I hid the fearful expression and tried to smile.

"Just checking these books in before their due". I said and slide them onto the table, taking out my library card.

The librarian chewed her gum, typing on the computer quick like, in silence without acknowledging me. She continued to ignore before scooping the books into her hands and scanning all of them. She then took my card and scanned that too then slid it back. "Next".

I left feeling quite inconvenient. What a business woman. I bumped into Harry as I left who was wandering aimlessly apparently, he chuckled and caught my arms to keep me from tripping. I smiled at his gaze. "Want to help me look for a book about beasts?" I asked offeringly, he didn't hesitate. "Of course".


We sat in a corner of shelves, books piled around us, both flipping furiously threw them. I needed an original, they had every correct forum, Harry suddenly started to hit my arm. "Ow what is i—"

"shhhh". He hushed me and ducked a little, he grabbed my wrist and pointed between the shelves. I peeked through them to see a tall, dark, well dressed man walk in, black ebony hair that fell on his shoulders in waves, and pale skin. Despite the sun, he was as pale as can be.

"Figures he'd come to a good book store like this". I muttered in thought. "We have to go". Harry whispered. "Why? He is apart of the order technically isn't he? He's just getting some books, ignore it". I shrugged and continued to look through books. Harry looked anxious. But he gave in and hesitantly started going back to the books. "So, think he'll come back next year?" Harry asked, gesturing in a polite way towards the Snape that was unaware of out presence. We were hiding in a deep nest of shelves in a corner so. "Maybe". I shrugged. "I hope, I like professor Snape, he teaches well". I muttered and flipped threw a few shelves lazily. "Oh come on, that cant be the only reason". Harry drawled with a smug look on his face. I glared at him.

"Shut it Harry". I mumbled trying not to smile. "If he does come back, what do you think he'll do?" Harry continued persistently. I bit my lip in thought. "Maybe Dumbly-dore is finally giving professor snappy his spot as the d.a.d.a teacher that he's always wanted to be".

I replied without thought, Harry chuckled. "Professor Snappy?" Harry repeated, I laughed. "You know what I mean, I'm sure he'll still work there". I shrugged, sighing and rubbing my knees. They had imprints from the rug on them. "We should look for that book tomorrow". I sighed. Harry shrugged . "We've gone through too many". I laid my head back against the uncomfortable shelf.

Harry started to put all the books back up on the shelves. "Hey can you do this? I need to use the restroom". I asked polite and quick. He nodded and waved me off. "Go on, I got it".

I quickly ran off with an assured smile.

3 minutes later. I washed my hands thoroughly, ignoring the girl in the mirror that was in front of me. I was a little mad at her. Idiot. I dried my hands with the crappy brown paper towels, a plain expression on my face. I had another strange sort of bad feeling, the kind you feel in your gut when something bad is going to happen.

"Ouch!" I winced and started to grip my arm, it was stinging. I pushed my lips together and ignored the pain, adjusting my sleeve. I quickly left the bathroom. It would go away soon. I'd have to suck it up.

When I neared the place I left Harry, I could hear bickering voices ahead. Very familiar voices.

Harry. Snape.

I snuck towards them, keeping myself hidden, thanks to the poor non sound proof shelves, I could hear them clearly.

"Just because Dumbledore trusts you doesn't mean I do".
Harry spoke, he sounded frustrated.

"Oh I'm aware you don't trust me, it's quite obvious when every moment I'm near that girl you get all riled up, don't you potter? Have a thing for the girl? Is that it?"

I frowned, this is not good.

"Sorry that I care about her well-being, and that you totally freak her out".

Harry contended angrily. I slapped my own face and fought back the urge to groan. Fighting? Fighting. The consistency of these two— every damn time— they can't even be in the mere presence of one another without going wild.
I slowly stepped into view, but they hadn't registered yet.

"At least I'm comfortable with having a crush on her, and don't push her away". Harry continued again.

My face turned rosy red. Harry's back was turned to me, but Snape caught on quite early. He started to get the smirk on his face when something malicious was about to happen. Harry eventually caught onto my presence and his shoulders fell. I took a deep breath and looked at the ground, I put my hands together. I glared at each of them.

"You both, are so annoying! And so— so alike!" I rolled my eyes. "Harry, I'll-I'll Mail you, or something, but for now, I'm mad at you, and you". I turned to Snape who suddenly looked more tense. I pointed at him and smiled only a little. "Don't pick on Harry, just stop fighting".

With that, I quickly sped out of the bookstore, I was just going to go home. I had other things to do for the day. The nerve of Harry and Snape, how can they just fight about nonsense like that?


time skip.

It was getting cooler, still as summer as ever, but by cooler, I mean that cold feeling you get when you realize school is starting very very soon. That cold unforgiving feeling.
Because you remember what every year was like before. The years where you told yourself 'next year will be better Y/n, just you wait', but then they never get any better. They go on and repeat. At least I will only have another year after this.
If that even happens, or maybe Voldemort will finally get his slimy hands on me and feed me to his snake. Didn't sound half-bad right now.

I stare hard at the ceiling. Tomorrow, I would hop on the train, and them be escorted to the mighty Hogwart's Home of young witches and wizards, school of magic and wizardry. Oh boy. This will keep me up all night, won't it?

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